Example sentences of "[vb infin] [Wh det] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They applied for judicial review of the Secretary of State 's decisions and sought orders of certiorari to quash those decisions and declarations that the Secretary of State could not set a period for retribution and deterrence for a mandatory life sentence greater than that recommended by the judiciary , that he was required to tell the applicants the period recommended by the judiciary , and if he departed from it his reasons for so doing , and that the applicants were entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before he determined the period and for that purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State would act which was not in the applicant 's possession .
2 was there any furniture that you could buy which was n't rationed ?
3 You see I am very careful in settling the Chronology of his Poems ; such a Genius is a Curiosity ; and one wou 'd willingly know which are his first Productions .
4 What objects do you know which are now made of plastic but which used to be made from wood or steel ?
5 But as the London Food Commission points out : ‘ The problem for consumers at the moment is that they do not know which are the PVC clingfilms .
6 Is it possible to arrange that they be given blanks and do n't know which are the blanks and which are the real , because otherwise there 's a risk after you 've done this the schools will suspect that they 're low , and therefore they will add a little on to their blank or something like that .
7 We do n't know which is causing the most pain or even which event grieves us the most .
8 Or they are but I 'm not a very good person to bring out these effects , I do n't know which is true . ’
9 Do you know which is correct ? ’
10 I do n't know which is worse — her drivel or you being daft enough to listen to it !
11 I do n't know which is most unlikely , but after studying in Louisiana , and spending a ghastly summer and a magical Christmas in New York , I have been savagely bitten by the travel bug , while writing the novel has become a way of life . ’
12 Er do n't know which is more expensive , actually .
13 Excuse me , do you know which is the way for Earth ? ’
14 I do n't know which is worse .
15 ‘ Now , I do n't know which is worse , the chigoes or the natives .
16 No onlooker , during the process , can know which is which .
17 " Do n't you know which is the right one yet ? "
18 ‘ Excuse me , ’ she said , ‘ but would you know which is the nearest big police station in this area ? ’
19 Shall I know which is which in the tablets ,
20 May we know which is which ?
21 ‘ I do n't know which is worse , ’ she said plaintively , dumping the goulash down on the table and turning to the sink to strain the noodles .
22 It is particularly useful when you want to know the difference between 2 values , but you do n't know which is the larger .
23 ‘ I do n't know which is worse — being here alone in Bluebeard 's castle or being cooped up with Bluebeard himself … ! ’
24 ‘ How do you know which is which ?
25 ‘ I do n't know which is worse , that you do n't give a damn about respecting your commitment to her , or that you did n't think it would matter to me that you were — were trying to lure me into bed while all the time , you knew that you and she — ’
26 To which the noble replied : ‘ I do n't know which is cause , and which is effect . ’
27 ‘ I do n't know which is the madder , ’ Cranston muttered , ‘ the bear or Red Hand ! ’
28 I do n't know which is the more satisfying sight – the laden tables at the beginning or the empty ones at the end , after all our customers are gone and we are left happy in the knowledge that our efforts have helped to raise a wonderful total for Christian Aid . ’
29 I think that 's funny cos I do n't know which is which though .
30 as soon as she bought her house do you know which is her house ?
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