Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] even " in BNC.

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1 Well , if that was so she would need to work even harder to appear indifferent .
2 ( In fact , if you want to work out calories on the odd day you will need to have even more detail than this : you will need to weigh out quantities of food , including things like butter , you should note the make of chocolate biscuit , and so on . )
3 Those with oily or normal complexions may need to change the kind of face creams used and those whose skins have always been dry will need to take even more care and possibly change to a heavier cream .
4 These two problems may merge to produce even greater difficulties for prospective councillors .
5 The Councils of the Institute and Faculty are determined that we should strive to achieve even more influence within our areas of expertise and this will call for ever greater involvement of our current and future members in these areas both in the UK and overseas , particularly Europe .
6 We can expect to see even the shortcoming overcome — from past experience the author will produce a sequel which summarises the technology and does better justice to the applications .
7 Thus arguments for controlling local authorities ' spending would appear to weigh even less powerfully within monetarist theory than in Keynesian arguments .
8 There was no point in trying to invent a story , because under these circumstances no made-up story could begin to sound even remotely plausible .
9 Venables could only shake his head , and you wonder now whether he will begin to exert even more influence on the playing side of things at Tottenham .
10 One path to go down might begin from the priority the Council had given to its knowledge of the particular institutions : ‘ it seems that we should now begin to build even more positively on this and consider a move in which certain institutions were granted particular responsibilities … the academic board in an experienced institution engaging in work of high quality should be authorized by the Council to reach decisions in defined areas ’ , and within understood frameworks of report and action .
11 The child will then begin to make even more demands and the parent may become punitive in order to stop the demands .
12 But if the majority are still hesitating , some are at last being lured into the market — and more must follow to make even a modest recovery possible .
13 You may well decide to twist even further when using the front punch , but beware that your situation is weakened should the opponent immediately counter — attack .
14 Therefore , no matter how sensitive an annual report is , it can not hope to capture even five years ' economic activity .
15 ‘ I 'm simply telling you how it was just in case you 've forgotten — alcohol has a rather mind-numbing effect and after all you would n't want to forget even the tiniest part of so wonderful an evening , would you ? ’
16 There are photos in here of the kind that win awards , articles that you would want to read even if you did n't have to take your mind off the fact that you might , you know , at any moment …
17 I do not feel that I should have to instruct even junior typists that my documents , all my documents , are entirely confidential . ’
18 ‘ But it 's going to put an awful lot of island people to a lot of trouble , and it will mean many hundreds of them will have to wait even longer for jobs now . ’
19 As we may have to wait even until the summer , tempers may get a little tetchy , as last night 's closing session proved .
20 While we do not wish to go even this far , there is no doubt that it represents a powerfully persuasive tradition of social research .
21 ‘ Specialists ’ might have to enjoy even better conditions of life under socialism than they had under capitalism if they were to be well motivated .
22 ‘ This is bound to put our services under pressure and means we will have to concentrate even more on those people who are most at risk .
23 The question remains , if the Irish do not want toxic waste , will Britain have to accept even more of it ?
24 ‘ So you would n't wish to help even her own brother to get in touch with her again ? ’
25 His successor , Ernst Georg Stöckl , will have to do even more pruning because AEG lost DM205m last year .
26 One problem that has arisen is that a new tenant may not settle quickly and may wish to leave even though this may be unrealistic .
27 The case for privatising British Rail has little to do with saving money : private companies will probably have to waste even more on safety to avoid charges of putting profits before lives .
28 Indeed , it is likely that the Chancellor , whoever he may be , will have to consider even higher taxation in the next year or two , than has already been announced .
29 You 'll have to stay even through the night , if necessary .
30 Other member states bypassed us on the single currency by giving us an opt-out , for which the Prime Minister had to pay at Maastricht — and for which the British people will have to pay even more in the months ahead — and they bypassed us on the social chapter by simply going ahead without us .
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