Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It aims to elaborate and refine rather than overturn ; it is evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
2 She supposed she was perfectly entitled to do that , since she had been his secretary for more than ten years , but for some odd reason it had still made her nerve-ends prickle antagonistically when Eleanor had said his name .
3 The first are generated by scanners and need careful handling , the accompanying bitmap for display purposes may not reproduce properly although the image will print correctly — this is caused by the difference in screen resolutions between the two systems .
4 You know , I should think somewhere where you are
5 Do n't eliminate somewhere because it sounds ridiculous or out of the question .
6 ’ — A response which would damage rather than increase the influence of the Merkuts in the Khanate , ’ Alexei observed .
7 ‘ You 'll stay right where you are until I 've made you a hot drink .
8 Amongst those who disagreed it was frequently asserted that the provision of a sealed form 53 prior to completion might facilitate rather than hinder the commission of a fraud .
9 This is because here energy levels are often depleted — either she does n't eat properly or she diets in order to keep slim . ’
10 ‘ I can not eat properly and I ca n't sleep before a round , I get very nervous .
11 Our own experience in writing this chapter has confirmed our previous experience that this material is in short supply and widely dispersed , and some of it will disappear altogether if it is not soon collected .
12 It would seem that the old wall did not finally disappear altogether until the eighth-century , well after the city had been devastated by the Goths .
13 Bodies often float to the surface , but you of all people must know that those who drown in the Thames can disappear altogether and are probably taken by undercurrents down through London and out to sea . ’
14 You 'll want somewhere where you can either have it hanging
15 The government on Aug. 28 published a list of some 160 companies which would remain wholly or partly in state ownership .
16 Taking the election results as his guide , he should decide on a step-by-step approach , building on the fragile trust that does exist rather than risk another failure .
17 ‘ There are stars I have simply not brought to Highbury because they have been more concerned with the money they could make rather than what they could achieve for Arsenal . ’
18 To see that there is a take up of the car contract hire scheme , it constantly has to be held , or kept unde , the scheme has to be kept under review , to make sure that it is attractive and it is what er , the employees want to see , and would prefer rather than an alternate means of transport .
19 nothing happy , you ju just to stand there , you ca n't laugh properly and you ca n't do this , and you ca n't do this , it 's worse
20 He mentioned the need to bring out the practical application of subjects , in ways which would enhance rather than displace theoretical understanding .
21 All of this stresses the need to ensure that future development must enhance rather than damage the environment .
22 Melanie tried to grasp how dreadful it would be if Finn were dead but she could not think coherently because of the terrible sound of Aunt Margaret 's silence .
23 Hence , societies ' encouragement of early marriage as a step towards achievement of a large family may hinder rather than aid attainment of family size goals .
24 In other words the slope will dip rather than rise while you continue to knit at the centre .
25 Obviously , they had made up their minds that they would have to make us eat rather than tell their bosses what had happened .
26 In other words , no one working with a computer should be forced into a straightjacket of usage : IT should liberate rather than restrict , and the best applications are those in which the uses are almost boundless .
27 By the very definition of the system , the detailed direction of the educational programmes would evolve rather than be rigidly pre-established , but some of the broad areas which may attract attention are the educational development of co-operatives , leadership development , community economics , and issues of environmental health and the management of the natural environment .
28 In paragraph four , page six , we do make a small point about the financial implications er on of course that has been resolved because of er the resolution carried forward in the budget debate and a note there about central training which I could er just , just explain slowly because I have had a number of questions about this .
29 William Beveridge showed more appreciation of the problems posed by the burden of women 's household tasks when he stated that the ‘ housewife 's job , with a large family is frankly impossible and will remain so unless some of what has now to be done separately in every home can be done economically outside the home ’ ( although he never failed to assume that the final responsibility for domestic work rested with women ) .
30 Hence people who enter the premises as lawful visitors may not remain so if they step outside of their invitation or permission to be on the premises .
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