Example sentences of "[vb infin] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now could I ask , if there are any erm matters on there where you have found and error and it 's an error of fact , can I just stress that at this stage ?
2 A fundamental difficulty will always remain that of substantiating the complaint .
3 Now the other side of that was a plea which came from our switchboard supervisor , which I 'll come onto in a moment , where she said people will often think that of her telephonist , but in actual fact , it 's because they have n't got the right information from people at this end , so there is another side to that story .
4 Cos people often used to say to me because I 'd , I 'd played everything you could play except golf , and , and er , and I , I , people used to say you did two men 's work and you I , I met a chap one day , this was an instance , I 'm not trying to blow me trumpet do n't think that at all .
5 ‘ I do n't think that at all , ’ Charity said .
6 Yet not too long afterwards , it was suggested that for a salesman with 20 years ' continuous employment , three years was an appropriate improvement period ; many would think that to be erring on the high side .
7 You 'd think that with such a bountifull crop to look foreward to , the farmers would be cock a hoop .
8 Well I do n't think that with the Romanies there is a problem , because they 're
9 But I honestly ca n't validate getting seriously wrapped up in the story of the song because how on earth can you relate that to notes ?
10 What did you make that for ?
11 Are you gon na make that for Chris ?
12 Hm , I 'll make that for you then .
13 As early as 1950 Norbert Weiner had predicted that automation would result , within twenty-five years , in a depression that would make that of the 1930s seem like a pleasant joke , and in 1965 an Oxford University professor was quoted as saying at one of the OECD conferences :
14 Do you we could make that into a whole pizza ?
15 I 'm , I 'm going to erm we 'll make that into something American .
16 bring a little line coming there into it and I 'll make that into a little square .
17 You can convey that with dance things , it 's just the way you use your equipment . ’
18 ‘ Would you prefer that to be the general way ? ’
19 It is far easier from their point of view if they only need to deal with one entity and they will probably prefer that to be the purchaser as it is the purchaser that has taken over the business .
20 Would she prefer that to shimmying down another catwalk ?
21 Ah but that 's the devil to try and coordinate that with an orchestra when you 're at the other end
22 As shot follows shot on the screen , your viewers will instinctively relate each to what has gone before in order to construct a thread of story — even if this story is as rudimentary as ‘ first we saw A , and then we saw B ’ .
23 Then , we will contrast each of these with accounts of first meetings with people we know well .
24 You can unplug that for the moment .
25 I know the world does n't want that for Britain .
26 " Privacy ! " they laugh " What do we want that for ?
27 What does he want that for ?
28 I would n't want that to be seen against the other 88 . ’
29 I mean it 's not a major issue I mean it is an issue it 's not a major issue it 's just that there have been one or two occasions like where we have cross purposes but considering you know they are a relatively minor tour operator I would n't want that to muddy the water because that was just just erm a misunderstanding .
30 And we sort of , do n't want that to be the forty first !
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