Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] like " in BNC.

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1 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
2 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
3 If it had landed , my head would have flown like a shied coconut .
4 Had she not been swept into the world of royalty , she would probably have developed like her sisters , the kind of county girls who underdress , but look smart when they need to .
5 Doubtless Mr Pickard was pleased to have the support of the medical men of the town — a great fillip to his trade — though it is questionable whether he would have received like acclamation from the superintendent of Lichfield Cemetery , for iron coffins , as well as lead shells , took a long time to break down if deposited in the soil .
6 I must have looked like the mad ape that wandered the streets of our village with its gypsy owner .
7 The tall brick houses would have looked like Victorian mansions , except for the pagoda roofs and the intricate wood lattices in place of glass window panes .
8 • Tom Matano , father of the MX-5 and head of Mazda 's Californian design studio , echoed the thoughts of many when he said of Citroen 's Activa II : ‘ That 's what the BMW 850i should have looked like . ’
9 I had slept in the bedroom myself not so many years before , and in the first light of morning had got up to see what the village might have looked like before the traffic came and before the stone walls had been breached .
10 From the Communist point of view the witch-hunts and loyalty tests of the United States must have looked like the little puffs of smoke and flame of a stage dragon which fooled nobody .
11 Or perhaps even that he and I together , in as filthy moods as we were , must n't have looked like the sort of people even a policeman should risk messing with .
12 Travelling by bus at night in winter could be a chilling experience , so my mother made me anklets from the fur cuffs of an old coat ; these stayed on by means of snap fasteners , and I must have looked like a poodle , but they provided considerable comfort .
13 So instead they turn to the past , to an idea of what the unspoiled working class community might have looked like in its classic phase before the War , before bombs , bulldozers and planners together swept away the old slum environment with its maze of narrow streets , its self-contained economy of tenements and factories , corner shops and pubs , and its equally complex , ingrown network of grannies , uncles and lifelong ‘ mates ’ .
14 He may have looked like a bank-clerk but he had the heart of a poet , whether he wrote in iambic pentameters or the plain but effective doggerel of the common man .
15 The house must have looked like this , he thought , when his parents first arrived , more than thirty years ago .
16 A line of pikemen must have looked like some kind of rampaging porcupine . ’
17 Atypical page might have looked like this : In task allocation , virtually all clients have the same thing ‘ done to ’ them at the same time .
18 She should have looked like you . ’
19 It must have looked like an inkwell .
20 The new Britain may have looked like a waste land by 1945 , or at least a bomb site , especially in its inner cities .
21 Hood has suggested that the statue at Knossos may have looked like the snake goddess shown in faience in the Temple Repositories .
22 In the 1670s the Hudson 's Bay Company must have looked like one of the least important overseas concerns that Charles II and his government had to handle .
23 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
24 ‘ It was electric — the most exciting , most demanding period of my life , ’ says Robertson , though he reckons that , as a vociferous , opinionated twenty-year-old he ‘ must have looked like such an arsehole ’ .
25 ‘ It must have looked like something from an old-fashioned horrorvid .
26 Molly Pargeter , a woman of forty , whose hair was kept in place with difficulty , might have looked like one of the larger Graces in the paintings she admired had not her size caused her such embarrassment that she lowered her head and stooped a little as she walked .
27 He was wearing an elderly white linen jacket and a blue spotted bow-tie , so that , given a boater hat set at a jaunty angle , he might indeed have looked like the late Max Beerbohm .
28 What of course you do n't see is wh what it will have looked like if you have n't .
29 Cuvier had reconstructed extinct mammals , but here the analogies with living elephants , bears and rhinoceroses were close enough for nobody to doubt what they must have looked like .
30 It is difficult now to recapture what the Gorge may have looked like in Worcester 's or Aubrey 's day .
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