Example sentences of "[vb infin] [coord] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 And it may have still seemed a lot of money at I think one thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds , I ca n't comment or not not having seen the size of the estate , but it compares quite well with the five thousand one hundred and sixty sixty pound Five hu Five thousand seven hundred and sixteen pounds that the Midland bank charge on the particular estate .
2 I mean shall I eat or not
3 As far as this subject is concerned and the age of child you are teaching , it does not matter very much if you can draw or paint or not .
4 Do shadows exist or not ?
5 ‘ You gon na buy or not , Harry ?
6 Yeah , that 's what I thought , see what the 're like , there 's one porky chop , is there any in here do you know or not ?
7 When the deadline for judging whether the republics should be recognised arrives in January , will the 12 Foreign Ministers meet again to decide collectively whether the criteria have been met and whether all of them will recognise or not recognise the republics ?
8 A little sick or badly sick , sick with something you can catch or not catch ? ’
9 The most piddling aspects of my embodiment furnished me with prophecy : hanging on whether the flap of gum skin comes away , then … the leaf will fall or not fall , I will die or be immortal , the sun will rise or not .
10 They seem to think they 're special in some way , almost as though they had the right to choose whether they 'll cooperate or not . ’
11 They would survive or not , to accumulate more memories , happy or sad as the case might be .
12 No I said erm I had a conversation with Gillian about reading , about little bits of reading and , I made the point that we 'd said last night about him barking at print , reading through words that he did n't know and not asking what they were and she said she 'd noticed that .
13 It does mean that the way in which the case has been handled , the way in which it 's been approached , the cooperation between various departments in a particular office , has been done properly , and if the client has the opportunity of winning , he will win and not lose by sloppy work in his solicitor 's office .
14 ‘ I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy and not feel that this was a special programme for them , avoiding all the twee and awful things people normally put into children 's programmes .
15 But a good removal man can very often pack and not actually use ties because of the way he fits stuff in .
16 ‘ What I find unbearable and can not brook as leader is those who , after we make that decision , will deviate and not comply with our decision , ’ he said .
17 So if there are objects called black holes into which things can fall but not get out , there ought to be other objects that things can come out of but not fall into .
18 ‘ One could pity but not censure a being totally deprived of all capacity for recognizing goodness and doing what is right . ’
19 At the same time , they are always heard in relation to the basic framework or expected effect which lies behind them and which they are varying : they are substitutes for the ‘ correct ’ formulae ; they can thus excite but not disturb .
20 The requirement of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 Section 17 that each LEA should formulate a written policy on the range and balance of the school curriculum , and then that each school should consider but not necessarily follow that LEA policy , may be regarded as a brief , and confusing , interlude in the movement towards a national curriculum .
21 Well they do cheat or not .
22 In both cases the child understands what is expected and can choose or not choose to comply , being fully aware of the consequences .
23 Good Guys sa a couple of times and whether it was gon na improve or not but it has n't !
24 Just as someone has short sight , penicillin allergy or diabetes never recovers from these conditions but can nonetheless do or not do various things that diminish their effects or progress , similarly , sufferers from addictive disease even though they may no longer use the substance or behaviour of addiction .
25 They can nevertheless do or not do various things that diminish its effects or progress .
26 ‘ If that 's your Capri outside you 'd better watch and not get a ticket .
27 Then from out there where Slorne 's gaze had led him , from out of the dark moonlit sky , there came a distant calling of a name , a place , a power , and it was like a great presence he could only feel and not see , and it cast itself over him , and over his cage , and over the whole Zoo , and over more than that .
28 At this point I simply want to underline the fact that Scripture demonstrates clearly that it is God 's intention that the Kingdom should grow and not merely remain static .
29 But he made no complaint and it was plain that he was determined to show what he could do and not to be left behind .
30 The archbishop also called , in a newspaper interview in November 1984 , for ‘ leadership in our national life which will unite and not divide the nation ’ .
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