Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] now " in BNC.

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1 Rainbow would prefer right now this minute , but plays it cool .
2 His shoes , his books , his leather trunks and saddlery would similarly be covered in green mould and would remain so now until the end of the rainy season .
3 But I do n't think so now .
4 You do n't think so now , but one day you 'll understand what I mean — when you 're old , and tired , and no longer beautiful .
5 You may not think so now , little one , but you were safer as my wife . ’
6 You can slow down now .
7 Right , can I have these sets of sheets back , please and can you pack away now !
8 It 's all over , you can jump off now . ’
9 ‘ We should pack up now and go . ’
10 I 'll hang up now and clear the line . ’
11 ‘ Well , I 'll hang up now . ’
12 You do n't know though now .
13 He who wants to jump out should jump out now . ’
14 Set against the enduring strength of the city 's architecture and way of life , the film reflects an attitude that you would recognise even now in Marchmont and the New Town .
15 For he knew he must act fast now , and more than that , that the time was coming when if he was really to escape he must leave the protection of the Park and venture north over the great city whose houses frightened him .
16 And I found out I can artex alright now , so I 'm gon na do it .
17 You ca n't fall apart now .
18 She did n't know what she was going to do when she found him , but that did not matter right now .
19 Newman , who still races even though he 's turned 60 , believes Mansell can carry on now for at least another six or seven years .
20 I do n't know if I can carry on now .
21 For his part , Bush said that the participation of the Soviet Union in the IMF and the World Bank on the basis of the special status granted to it at the G-7 meeting was " the most important thing that the Soviet Union could do right now " .
22 I do n't , we can finish right now .
23 ‘ You know perfectly well that I can persuade you , so you might just as well give in now with good grace . ’
24 Why not give in now ?
25 Will you give in now , or later and at greater cost ? ’
26 It was a chest wound an' I ca n't do much now wivout gettin' out o' breath , ’ he told her .
27 Social background may not matter much now ( but until they publish the list we can not judge this for ourselves ) , but the 100 per cent increase in party professionals getting on the list and getting elected to Parliament between 1979 and 1987 can not , surely , be just coincidence ?
28 As my deliberate intention in these lectures is to remind you of theology and introduce you to theological terms , however , let me do so now .
29 will not do so now ,
30 ‘ If they would n't tell us the first time , why should they do so now ? ’
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