Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] if " in BNC.

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1 But he did n't want to go if it meant leaving Kate behind .
2 Not if you do n't want to you do n't want to go if you do n't particularly
3 IBM will no doubt eagerly want to see if any other big names follow WordPerfect 's example .
4 Do you want to see if there 's some wallpaper in here Mark ?
5 Do you want to see if we can finish it Christine .
6 Right , do you want to see if you can catch up ?
7 Certain firms and individuals who wish to purchase financial assets such as bonds , shares or other securities , may prefer to wait if they feel that their price is likely to fall .
8 But , the Daily Telegraph reported she said her results should be treated with caution … ‘ we need more research to see if the results are reproduced ’ .
9 I 'll , I 'll laugh laugh if you like that magazines or something .
10 Right , do you want to comment if you wish ?
11 ‘ We will want to know if the warning lights had only been flashing for 10 seconds and not 30 . ’
12 The doctor will want to know if the sexual partner has any symptoms and in particular whether he , too , has attended a clinic and , if so , what the diagnosis was and whether any treatment was given .
13 ‘ If Brian Clough is still interested in me he will want to know if I cope as well during a bad spell as I did when I was enjoying a purple patch and scored 11 goals in 14 games earlier in the season . ’
14 Hence ‘ Inspiringly Titled ’ , the live LP recorded at Kilburn National and featuring roughly the same set they toured with in the spring , from the opening ‘ Start ’ to the closing Hüsker Dü cover , ‘ Do n't Want To Know If You 're Lonely ’ .
15 Still less do we want to know if the production of the book or research paper represented a learning experience for the academic concerned .
16 But Eleanor Young , chairman of Darlington Community Health Council , said : ‘ We would only want to know if the hospital was going to have any effect on NHS provision .
17 Meanwhile we , and God too , must wait to see if he passes the test or not .
18 ‘ Perhaps , after all , they 'll wait to see if I bring you back .
19 Armchair strategists are currently wondering whether Novell Inc will wait to see if Univel Inc pans out ( UX No 388 ) or makes its move to acquire more of Unix System Labs before the end of the year instead .
20 This time she did n't wait to see if anyone would come , but swiftly glanced to the small instrument tray .
21 He said he would now wait to see if Darlington firemen wanted him to take the matter to the home office .
22 After days of coalition building , Benazir Bhutto could only wait to see if it had paid off .
23 He said he would wait to see if the Caliph would reward us for forcing the breach .
24 One must wait to see if satellite selling proves a commercial success but it is reassuring to find are auctioneers prepared to consider new ways of offering a comprehensive sales service to their farmer clients .
25 Ca n't wait to see if the water has passed .
26 She will need to go if she is to take what would seem to be a deserved place in the record books .
27 Do we need to see if we can draw up an extra .
28 A barrister who left the Inland Revenue for practice at the Bar summed up his opinion of the service in the following words : ‘ I enjoyed it , they enjoyed me , and I would always consider returning if the Bar did not prove satisfying . ’
29 What do we need to know if we are to teach Humanities to Johnny ?
30 ( 2.10 ) unc provided no variable appearing in unc is input in any unc Perhaps surprisingly , this law is the only one we will need relating IF an ALT .
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