Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv prt] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mind you , the Top Of The Pops we were on included The Alarm and Echo And The Bunnymen .
2 When the disappointed Cov fans started sneaking out before the end , the stand we were in seemed to have just as many Leeds as Cov fans in it .
3 Those in a correlated condition experienced the light only after a correct response in the presence of one of the cues ( and thus , as the task was learned , increasingly often along with this cue ) ; those in an uncorrelated condition received the light after 50 per cent of rewarded responses whether these were in made in the presence of the tone or of the clicker .
4 The field they were in had British as well as German mines sown all over the place .
5 Out of the three statements from fellow travellors read out to the coroner , non said they 'd had previous warnings from either the travel company or the foreign office that the region they were in had experienced previous Muslim fundamentalist acts of terrorism against visitors .
6 Jess saw him coming , but was too bothered by the scrape she and Midnight were in to take any notice .
7 The room they were in contained a single big dormer window , a fireplace , a couch , a table and two seats , and two bunkbeds .
8 Do you think that any of them any of those six were in bade taste you know not not really not really very pleasant shall we say ?
9 they were in to start with .
10 Lot of owners were down checking them .
11 This is borne out by a ) the incredible amount of time and energy being put in at the WFS conference to the forthcoming Chesterfield Socialist conference and bI the constant egotistical/individualistic remarks made by conference participants , who had no interest whatsoever in building support for women 's struggle , ( and in many cases continued unchallenged with these views ) 2 ) That the conference had very few Black women in attendance , we saw around 12 out of the many hundreds ( although we were over represented in the creche and began to wonder whether this was the ’ Black women only ’ space created for us ) .
12 if you were off to do something and being mucked around for the day , in n it ?
13 The first personnel carriers rumbled out of the main gate , blocking the workday traffic , and he watched them now with envy because they were off to play soldiers and he had n't been invited .
14 The Sergeant took us into the small canteen and told us quietly and forcefully that our holiday in Aubagne was over and that we were off to start four months of basic training designed to turn us into legionnaires .
15 Fortunately , the night was young and they were off to hunt elsewhere .
16 You were up getting dressed .
17 The Greens returned home at half-past one in the morning , but were up to welcome the musicians for breakfast on their way further north ; before they left they sang some ‘ excellent glees . ’
18 A few pints later , when the Vomits were doing their first encore , Jamie and I were up dancing , jumping up and down , Jamie shouting and clapping his hands and dancing about on my shoulders .
19 She said all the were up talking were n't they ?
20 Most people were out enjoying themselves and she could hear children on the beach which was not far away .
21 They also had to be decorated with braid and ribbons even when they were out ploughing in the winter ; George Sadler told me :
22 He was no longer at odds with himself ; he had declared war on all those who were out to suppress or castrate him , for whatever reason .
23 Lewin smashed into Adele and Daniel Davies , nine , as they were out collecting for Bonfire Night .
24 Brian and I were out riding one morning when we suddenly heard heavy firing ahead of us .
25 While you were out chasing Norman Pinder , these were found . ’
26 A better way of life need not depend on a higher standard of living and they were out to stop those whose pursuit of continued economic and industrial growth undermined the basis of life itself .
27 We could settle down to real life ; they were out to get us , and we were out to stop them .
28 During the day we lay up in the desert , camouflaging ourselves with pieces of hessian sacking against the R.A.F. patrols who were out looking for us from the air .
29 Meanwhile Malta 's reconnaissance aircraft were out looking for Axis convoys bound for Tripoli or Benghazi so that the island 's bombers might strike at them and disrupt the flow of supplies and reinforcements to Rommel 's command .
30 And workmen were out repairing damage to the illuminations , due for switch-on at the end of the week .
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