Example sentences of "[was/were] [det] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Were that to happen , she says , ‘ they , ’ ( presumably the local education authority ) would have to ‘ do something ’ .
2 That value is small compared with the potential value that a search firm would have if it had a market quotation ; there would be a significant number of new millionaires were that to happen .
3 The following day the Financial Times reported that Leuna and Buna , eastern Germany 's two largest chemical concerns , were each to receive DM250 million ( US$150 million ) in credits guaranteed by Treuhand to assist their restructuring .
4 Without the information contained in the parish register , one might reasonably suppose that Joseph and Ann had three children , who were each to receive only a shilling unless Ann remarried , upon which occasion they would inherit the entire estate .
5 There is some evidence that it was Snowden who suggested the formula of the ‘ doctor 's mandate ’ , at a Cabinet meeting on 5 October , under which the component parts of the National Government were each to issue their own manifestos , with a separate personal appeal from the Prime Minister , According to Neville Chamberlain , ‘ Snowden … produced the suggestion that the Prime Minister should issue his own manifesto asking for a free hand [ i.e. on tariffs ] and the two Party leaders should each issue their own programmes and to our astonishment this was at once accepted by the Liberals , ' Amery , who perhaps got the information from Chamberlain , wrote in his diary on 6 October , ‘ Apparently when the deadlock seemed most complete Snowden suggested that the PM should issue his own manifesto , each of the other party leaders issuing theirs . '
6 The two office designs were each to have a first premium of £800 , a second of £500 , a third of £300 , a fourth of £200 and three further premiums of £100 each .
7 West Germany , France and Italy were each to have four votes , the Netherlands and Belgium two votes each , and Luxembourg only one vote .
8 And if there was something wild and desperate about her London career which disturbed her uncle and aunt a little there were few to criticise .
9 There were few to oppose the pattern of denationalization and deregulation on strict efficiency grounds .
10 As many of those were itinerant , following the seasons from farm to farm and from wold , to moor , to dale , there were few to mourn the passing of the gentle , self-effacing man !
11 Language , literature , thought , art , politics and society become separate territories and are occupied by separate specialists , until it becomes increasingly hard to find any scholars with pretensions to competence over the whole field : K. O. Müller from Göttingen , active in the 1820 's and thirties , is one notable exception , but there were few to approach his breadth then or subsequently .
12 Were this to happen , there can be little doubt what the position of the European authorities would be .
13 What kind of questions were these to ask her ?
14 His future liberties with techniques were all to do with representation .
15 but they were all to do with sort of satellite dishes and it was in their reception area and it had satellite T V on , and it was an advertising thing as much
16 Pop had bought a large inflated life jacket for me to wear in case of our ship being sunk , in which case you were all to hold on to the cords round my waist , and he would swim round and act as a watchdog !
17 We did not tell pupils how to organise the interviews , only that they were all to participate .
18 At breakfast she occasionally annoyed us by reeling off lists of groceries we were all to pick up during the day and bring home in time for dinner .
19 was a rage for Order : we were all to lurk
20 Yet , if they were all to own them , some mechanism would have to emerge to inhibit their natural sexual rivalry .
21 The territories described above were all to feel the military might of the Franks under the remarkable leadership of Charles the Great .
22 I have a theory that if we were all to knit enough really warm cardigans the summer would be incredibly hot , so it might be worth a try .
23 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Dec. 12 reported that Zhu Rongji , the reformist Vice-Premier and former mayor of Shanghai , Zou Jiahua , the conservative Vice-Premier and Minister in charge of the State Planning Commission , and Yang Baibing , secretariat member , Central Military Commission secretary-general and younger brother of President Yang Shangkun , were all to have been promoted to the politburo .
24 Put like this it seems extremely cold and unfeeling , but it must be said that if we were all to make our own arrangements without any order or form then chaos would quickly result .
25 This would offer a considerable threat to the future supply of labour were it not for the fact that agriculture also attracts a disproportionate number of school-leavers — more , in fact , than it could possibly cope with if they were all to stay in the industry .
26 ‘ In a sense we were all to blame .
27 Among them were men from Dulé 's people — five of this first shipment of slaves ; they were all to work on the new sugar plantation ; to stake out canefields in the rainforest .
28 as if it were all to begin again …
29 The doctors , the architects , and , after 1987 , the legal profession were all to face the same mood of antagonism .
30 If they were all to get on as a family , she would have to be careful about introducing Richard to the children .
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