Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 It is quite obvious now that if there was more to Monica 's missing Wimbledon in 1991 than the shin splints that were eventually given as the reason , she is not going to tell us .
2 Nevertheless , and no doubt too slowly , illusions of grandeur were slowly given up and Britain 's incapacity to live with the superpowers was to a degree accepted .
3 The full-time farms surveyed were mostly given over to grass and were on the higher ground .
4 His beautiful watercolours of rooms were constantly given huge spreads in the Studio magazine , the most important Arts and Crafts periodical .
5 Lucie 's thoughts were entirely given over to the pain in his chest ; he was overrun with pain .
6 The two divers , Chief Petty Officer Carrington and Petty Officer Grant , were curiously alike , both aged about thirty , of medium height and compact build : both were much given to smiling , a cheerfulness that in no way detracted from their almost daunting aura of competence .
7 Scholars and gentlemen were much given to complaining of the venality and corruption of stationers , but Martyn was to a large extent an exception .
8 ‘ We were literally giving the stuff away just to get people to use it , ’ said Mr Anderson .
9 Even then the provisions under the Act were fairly limited : the penal laws were not repealed , but Protestant Dissenters were merely given immunity from prosecution if they held their own religious services , provided their meeting-houses were licensed and the doors were left open when they met .
10 The third major group to be settled were the Burgundians , who were apparently given Sapaudia a year after the grant of Gallia Ulterior to the Alans .
11 These explanations were only given as answers to direct questions .
12 The British complained when they were only given a quarter of new EC fishing quotas despite providing sixty per cent of the fishing grounds .
13 the crews of the cutters did not always see the completed puzzle , and for obvious reasons were only given sufficient information on a need-to-know basis .
14 We were only given ten on the first day .
15 The entire box office receipts were normally given to the lucky artiste .
16 By the eighteenth century salutes were normally given merely by the firing of guns , not by the more humiliating lowering of the flag or striking of sails .
17 The balance of the enquiries tended to be towards matters over which the department had control , but matters beyond their immediate control , such as the blackout mentioned above , often arose spontaneously and were generally given proper and serious consideration by the Senior Management Team .
18 It was designed to rid Iran of the remaining elements of the invading force in these sectors ( some having withdrawn of their own accord ) and took the form of powerful punches to which distinctive names were generally given , evocative of important features of Islam 's past .
19 Further evidence that court musicians played more than one instrument in the Opera is indicated by the posts of the grand hautbois de Roy , such as those of Jean Rousselet and Guillaume de Granville , which were generally given as ‘ hautbois et violon de la chambre du Roy et sa grande Ecurie ’
20 The number of peoples in the world who knew of these advantages and nevertheless persisted in rejecting them were few : to do so required a tenacity of purpose , an indifference to wealth and comfort which were not given to many .
21 Mick and Paddy had been well briefed on most things , but in the last-minute rush they were not given full details of my self-made code of conduct .
22 The apostles were not given a priestly role by Jesus and he left no instructions about how the Church was to be organized .
23 For example , until a few generations ago , children were not given the freedom to express themselves and their individuality .
24 Before the 1940s , most food law was concerned with ensuring that people were not given short measure or food that was adulterated .
25 Elevenses were not given to clerks then .
26 The torchlit streets , as he passed through them , were not given up as usual to the cats and the late-night lovers or revellers but were occupied by knots of busy , muttering men , putting up ladders and hoardings , clearing mud , hanging carpets for tomorrow 's Festival which was for St Nicholas and himself , not for the burghers of Bruges .
27 These nine Orkney children were not informed ; they were not told the Hearing was taking place ; , they were not given any sort of explanation .
28 One miner said : ‘ We were not given enough notice . ’
29 ‘ We were not experienced enough and we did not ask for , and were not given , enough help and guidance from NatWest . ’
30 Those questioned were also concerned that they were not given information on exactly how their tax liability was worked out .
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