Example sentences of "[is] n't be " in BNC.

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1 What is n't is A Winter Tan 's capacity to move us in another way , in particular with a riveting and lacerating piece of acting that underlines and illustrates its argument .
2 One that is n't is the corporate-disguised-as-consumer Sainsbury 's double-page , part of the admirable national campaign , printed in She without adaptation .
3 No it is n't is it ?
4 I think the government giving money for the National Endowment for the Arts and then trying to decide what 's art and what is n't is a mistake .
5 I think it 's a lovely light foliage is n't is ?
6 Now you see , i is n't is n't it remarkable that the Jehovah 's Witness tried to lead us astray , but the minute Christ came in they were wasting their time .
7 And she was sort of telling Sue to do this , and Sue said this is n't is it ?
8 But is n't is n't that the most dangerous thing ?
9 well it 's not all that inflammable , gas oil is n't is it ?
10 Is n't something to do with the with the the way it 's mixed is n't is n't Chris talking about No ?
11 She 's bound to is n't is ?
12 They 've been occupied , that one is n't is it ?
13 There is n't is there ?
14 And then , I thought well I gosh this caravan is n't is it because the salt had gone ?
15 Well she is n't is she ?
16 No there is n't is there ?
17 is n't is it ?
18 No there is n't is there ?
19 Is n't is rather a drastic response to send children home ?
20 We 've talked a lot about women being educated , is n't is just as important to educate men about women ?
21 is n't are n't those symptoms of depression rather than actually the drug ?
22 All this talk of peace and detente in the Med is n't being allowed to interfere with war games at Greenham Common .
23 Once you 've seen the production , in many ways an unexpected one , you 'll understand that Mr Hall is n't being pretentious and that Mr Hoffman has n't suddenly been struck by false modesty .
24 Producing ‘ knocking copy ’ is n't being suggested but emphasising your school 's uniqueness and particular strengths in your prospectus is important .
25 And we can safely bet that it is n't being so generous .
26 It 's never going to rumble through the floor in the way that a similarly priced 4x10 would , but they 're obviously catering for a gap in the market which is n't being filled very successfully .
27 ‘ Hookers owe it to themselves and their loved ones to refuse to play if crouch-touch pause-engage is n't being enforced ’ , he said .
28 Are you struggling to find a particular product or feel you have a need which is n't being catered for ?
29 The M15 follow-on to the current i860 XP has n't been cancelled , but Intel is n't being very specific about what is going to happen to it .
30 And I know it 's important to be equal in careers and to have equal opportunities and I 'm not arguing against that , but I also think that perhaps , in doing so some women also lose the pride in being a woman , and e equality is n't being a man , which I think some feminists take that view , that they 're not equal to a man unless they 're earning money .
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