Example sentences of "[is] n't [art] " in BNC.

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1 Low risk is n't no risk is the message of this new booklet produced by the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard .
2 cos there is n't no ventilator in it , and that 's the one we sleep in cos we 're frightened of people coming through the back door in the night , you know kicking in the back door , so we sleep in the other room .
3 Is n't no point in going home .
4 Cos he is n't no taller than you .
5 Taking a cricket bat to the audition is n't a bad idea although you can get the same effect with an umbrella .
6 It is n't a standard product . ’
7 But this is n't a — what-did-you-call-it ? — holiday of obliging .
8 It is n't a closed shop , you know . ’
9 It is n't a very common job , that 's the problem .
10 Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is n't a bad thing in a situation like this . ’
11 This is n't a method of birth control !
12 In fact , there is n't a great deal of difference between the two and the one merges into the other .
13 This booklet is n't a blueprint for a policy , but a guide .
14 Paul Riley , CAMRA 's liaison officer with Matthew Brown , commented : ‘ Brown is n't a brewer of anything .
15 Deeper cracks are undoubtedly the best — this is n't a unit for marginal placements or pockets .
16 Hatred of Jews is something that the Fascist is especially prone to , but it is n't a necessary consequence of his Fascism , and in any case it 's only a symptom , certainly not the root cause of his disease .
17 It is n't a lack of the amorous , perhaps , so much as it is a completely different sense of the amorous to that which post-Christian man contains , to that which … the likes of Duncan , say , or myself may feel .
18 ‘ There is n't a man in Britain who would be able to touch him at lightweight or light middleweight , ’ he said .
19 Brown is n't a man with a big punch ; it 's those telling body-blows that sap your opponent , plus some sly head-butts in the clinch .
20 ‘ It is n't a real sell-off . ’
21 I think it is an American character in one of Paul Theroux 's short stories who says of England , ‘ This is n't a country , it 's an interesting room . ’
22 ‘ We 're at pains to stress this is n't a protest , but we were here for rest and recreation , ’ he said , ‘ so if I ca n't send my men ashore ; there 's not much point in staying . ’
23 Though it travels through some wonderful hill country the Way is n't a tough route — much of it follows level footpaths with plenty of riverside walking .
24 Despite the name , the Tattershall Park Country Club is n't a pricey place — admission is only £1 for adults and 50p for children .
25 But although , in career terms , it may currently be more effective to woo record companies rather than journalists , the rock press is n't a completely spent force , nor is it a worthless one .
26 It is important to realize an act is n't a robot .
27 This is n't a fan club .
28 The mail will come through to the secretary , and most of the time if it is n't a tape and is just a letter , the A&R person 's morning mail will include your gig information .
29 This is n't a ploy to be recommended .
30 Sir Adrian points out : ‘ It is n't a question of just saying it 's A or B. There are any number of stations between A and B you have to examine . ’
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