Example sentences of "[is] with [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Since art critics have these working assumptions in mind , and it is with their writing we shall be mainly concerned , we need to proceed without being distracted .
2 The most important relationship in any artist 's career is with their manager .
3 The best place for a mentally handicapped person is with their family , but this may not always be possible , particularly as the person grows older .
4 He telephoned his wife Rosanne in America , where she is with their three kids , and told her of his decision and then from his Port Erin home said : ‘ Indy car racing is a wonderful new challenge for me .
5 If another pair arrives while his mate is with their young , he chases them away , charging at them with his neck outstretched .
6 The obscure circumstances of the collapse of the old culture involved invasion , or infiltration , by further Greek-speaking tribes ; and it is with their assimilation that the new world begins .
7 It is interesting that although she does begin her account with biographical experience , her concern is with its theological import for all .
8 The novelist is less inward , less collusive , with her than he is with her husband — a relation fully consonant with Eric 's law of nature — but he wants her view to be respected , and works it too hard as a purchase on wrong thinking .
9 The extreme contrast is with her cousin Elizabeth , declared bastard before she was three , enduring four stepmothers thereafter , and brought up mainly away from court circles .
10 ‘ When Tatum is with her friends , they come in a big bunch and have a good time .
11 When the boy is with his father or the girl is with her mother in the garden , as they constantly are , they learn about the birds they see , the birds that are harmful to the crops , how they can be dealt with , and what birds can be eaten .
12 You know how she is with her father . ’
13 At present she is with her niece in Cherbourg . ’
14 ‘ Your Grace , ’ Agrippa interrupted harshly , ‘ a mother 's place is with her children .
15 Lesley , 25 , a clerkess from Greenock , is with her mother , aunt and two sisters .
16 With Mrs. Crawley , the narrative reflects the belief of most people in the nineteenth century that the best place for a woman is with her husband , supporting and caring for him .
17 Oh we 've been telling her how pretty she is with her hair cut .
18 He is happiest when he is with his master or mistress .
19 The dog is with his owner for the greater part of the weekend and , through the week , the dog is road walked to produce fitness and show condition , so the ordinary show dog , apart from receiving the care and love of his owner , receives exercise and mental stimulus and is bonded with his owner by a common purpose .
20 Reading manager Mark McGhee , who is with his prodigy in Monte Carlo , insisted yesterday that Lambert is not for sale and would be offered an improved contract to stay at Elm Park .
21 Here he is with his hands full after a buying spree in a corner shop .
22 He was a renowned preacher , a pioneer critic of the New Testament , one of the founding fathers of the discipline of hermeneutics ( the philosophy or science of interpretation ) ; but it is with his fundamental work on the nature and basis of theology itself that we must deal .
23 When the boy is with his father or the girl is with her mother in the garden , as they constantly are , they learn about the birds they see , the birds that are harmful to the crops , how they can be dealt with , and what birds can be eaten .
24 Around 1204 , however , the two quarrelled and Eustace became a fugitive : it is with his adventures in the next year or so that the biography , composed between 1223 and 1284 by an unknown poet from Picardy , is principally concerned .
25 The preoccupation with the establishment and maintenance of civilisation and true religion is a central feature of Spenser 's poem as it is with his political tract .
26 When Ben is with his wife Valerie , he becomes a warm , outgoing individual ; the same applies to the Australian when he is with Maureen .
27 By the end of it , Theridamas accepts that he has been ‘ won with thy words ’ , and this shows how influential Tamburlaine is with his words over other people .
28 The cast are not always as economical with their actions as the miser is with his money , mistaking shouting and flinging their arms about as a substitute for comedy .
29 ‘ You know , I believe the problem is with your eyes not with your brain at all . ’
30 Catherine is with your mother , Alice .
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