Example sentences of "[is] that at " in BNC.

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1 It 's that at the age of 34 , fourteen years after first shambling on stage in downtown Chicago , having criss-crossed the stand-up circuit from coast to coast and guested on very hip chat show from David Letterman to Arsenio Hall , he should be bigger than he is .
2 All I remember is that at one point he walked along with one foot on the kerb and the other in the gutter and was told off for limping .
3 And the good news is that at a time of recession there are bargains to be had : even grand dealers might discuss a discreet price reduction .
4 The bidder 's estimate is that at least £31million of the property profit has been taken above the line , and Kingfisher also questions whether Dixons made any profit at all in 1988-89 from selling electrical goods in the UK .
5 What we mean by this , is that at times of great stress we can all be overwhelmed by the experience and find ourselves ‘ at sea ’ , not knowing what to do .
6 What I do regret , however , is that at great expense Johnnie Spencer filled a room at Althorp with paintings by that derivative Norfolk artist Edward Seago ( 1910–1974 ) .
7 An especially important result of the establishment of both the HIDB and the WIIC is that at long last there are professional jobs in the Western Isles for at least some of those who have gone to university on the mainland and have previously had to stay there to work .
8 What is less known is that at the close of the Southern African conflict , this same general had been discreetly retired , and he had then entered business , dealing in shipments from Southern Africa .
9 The reason it is now unacceptable to say it is that at some point in recent history , rock-climbers held a secret annual general meeting and decided to keep the word to themselves .
10 The important point about statistical methods however is that at least the ones mentioned above really do require only minimal arithmetical ability .
11 The point , of course , is that at the outset the child is not doing what he or she should but has to be started off .
12 All I can say is that at the time everything fitted together perfectly into so glaringly obvious a pattern that I was amazed I had never seen it before .
13 My one proviso is that at the same time , Hadrian 's Wall should be repaired , extended fully , and provided with one single opening through which all scots at present in the south should be shepherded to the north , whereupon the opening should be smartly bricked up before they have the chance to get back .
14 The problem is that at first the words are coming so fast it is difficult to write them down , so you really need a helper .
15 Presumably what he means is that at that point they will have lost their representative character and become embodiments of the divine .
16 With Elton , the joy of it is that at least you 're quite familiar with a lot of the stuff , and even if you have n't actually sat down and worked through it you know how the songs go .
17 And there 's no comparison between music and rap , but one thing about rap is that at least it does have metre and the words are selectively placed , and the beats to the words are selectively placed , and they have meaning .
18 What can be said about fluoride is that at concentrations of even less than one part per million ( the official dose ) it can cause toxic reactions in sensitive people and recent reassessments of the fluoridation scene suggest that this measure may be much more harmful to health than has been hitherto realized .
19 The difference is that at Butlins a one-bedroom flat makes a four -bedspace chalet .
20 All the money I have earned over the years has gone — in some cases I do n't why or where — but the fact is that at the age of 40 , I have no savings .
21 One argument for common investment funds is that at the moment they provide a way of getting round the narrow and wider investment bands that dictate charity investment .
22 And a significant point is that at least one in three actual users of bank loans say this perhaps underlining the suggestion made above that this may be a correct interpretation of the bank manager 's part in the lending decision .
23 The finest in the series is that at Stoke d'Abernon , Surrey , to Elyn Bray , who died in 1516 .
24 My one gripe is that at times the control system is not as good as expected .
25 The unusual thing is that at 50 she is still stunning , wrinkles or no .
26 ‘ Another is that at international level , scrummaging comes first and activity which may become possible in the loose comes second .
27 The reason for this , I later discovered , is that at yours there is likely to be a selection of friends and relations , one of whom in the course of discussion is bound to say , ‘ Come on , let's give him the best ! ’ and although he or she is very seldom the one who is paying for it , no one likes to appear mean at such a time — an attitude , I might add , of which the undertaker thoroughly approves !
28 Another , closely related , hypothesis is that at the end of each day we have in our unconscious a sort of ragbag of bits and pieces of experience which our conscious mind has not had the time , opportunity or inclination to process ; once again , the function of the dream is to deal with this material .
29 What you may not expect however is that at Saab , although we build things to last , we do n't expect them to last indefinitely .
30 All I can say in my defence is that at this point in history , I find it useful to do two things with my own writing and speech .
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