Example sentences of "[is] much more " in BNC.

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1 Annie 's much more pretty , but it 's sort of like her — you know , about the same size and that .
2 Pop is n't programmatic , it wo n't negotiate , it wants the world and it wants it now , and it 's much more satisfying to hear about your enemy being slaughtered .
3 But he 's much more forthcoming than in an earlier , abortive encounter .
4 ‘ It 's much more hilly that I expected , much more severe , more than anyone said to me , ’ said Montgomerie .
5 While you can buy a 50p leaflet and walk round the town yourself , looking for the small metal footsteps that have been placed in significant sites , it 's much more rewarding to go with one of the town 's Cadfael experts , like Esme Green .
6 Here , there 's a genuine meritocracy ; you 're given real authority to deal with clients and it 's much more rewarding . ’
7 I think it 's a shame she then made the ‘ career move ’ to a chat show format because she 's much more interesting in her own right than anything she elicits from her guests .
8 And the British government in some ways is very much more effective at delivering what it decides to do than many other governments — it 's much more effective than the American government .
9 That 's much more important to me than just having someone recognise my style .
10 It 's much more ‘ natural ’ , allowing the owner to appreciate the feel of the wood used .
11 ‘ That 's much more cool than playing guitar when you 're nine .
12 It 's much more economical than separate cards and with a good sharp punch it 's not much effort to punch the extra rows at each end !
13 ‘ We always encourage discretionary work , ’ says Christopher Taylor-Young of Taylor-Young Investment Management Ltd ( 071–407 3452 ) , ‘ because in our view it 's much more successful , and I think it 's a better service . ’
14 ‘ It means they benefit from institutional fund management as opposed to private client stockbroking where one man must know all the markets , and it 's much more efficient , ’ he stresses .
15 ‘ It 's much more difficult to get to because it 's less accessible to the ordinary traveller , ’ he says .
16 I mean , it 's much more serious when something like a church closes .
17 But in business these days , with a loosening up of rigid authoritarian organisation and a ‘ flattening out ’ of structure , it 's much more difficult .
18 ‘ He 's worked so hard at his game and he 's much more involved than when he first came over from France . ’
19 If a bird has food , it 's much more concerned with what 's going on around it , because it 's afraid that another predator might steal it .
20 At least you lot run around — that 's much more interesting .
21 TIP : It 's much more pleasant to work in warm water , so let the heater bring the water up to temperature first .
22 It 's much more entertaining mute . ’
23 Ask the man himself and it 's serious , ask his friends and it 's much more amusing
24 I like to write , but I think it 's much more exhausting than sketching . ’
25 She may have misheard the word as dictated , but it 's much more likely that as she started writing the first syllable , she almost automatically shifted the word across to one she knows ( and can spell ! coffee causes problems , usually ) .
26 the possibility of deliberate , purposeful social improvement and I think it 's much more straightforward than people generally suggest .
27 If one compares this relatively brief account with Mrs Gaskell 's much more detailed one of the Barton lodgings off that court in Manchester , the eye picks up very similar detail .
28 It 's much more comfortable to be someone else , to manufacture feelings .
29 Of course , she 's much more talented than I am .
30 But it 's much more likely to be due to human error .
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