Example sentences of "[is] five [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Schmidt 's team have concluded that the molten fuel is five times less conductive than theoretical studies , on which the safety-design work for PWRs is based , had suggested .
2 In fact a man in his late forties is five times more likely to die of heart disease than a woman of the same age .
3 The leader then continues in a series along the lines what is two times ten , what is ten times three , what is ten times four , what is five times ten , what is six times ten ?
4 I would say it is five times more difficult than at any other time of the year . ’
5 The relative risk of a child being overweight is five times that of a child with normal weight parents ( Poskitt 1980 ) .
6 Example 4 still remains a problem , but it may be that books could be suggested as more likely than boots from semantic co-occurrence information , or from frequency of use from a corpus ( books is five times more likely to occur than boots ) , especially if weighted from a count of occurrence in the script recognised so far .
7 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 ; it contains 3.1m transistors , compared with 1.2m for the 80486 ; it is manufactured in Intel 's 0.8 micron three-metal layer BiCMOS process technology ; it has two 8Kb on-chip caches and a fully compatible floating point unit that is up to five times faster than the one on the 80486 at the same clock speed ; to get around the problem that the thing can squeal to a halt when it comes to a branch that stalls the instruction stream , it includes branch prediction , where the chip remembers prior instruction pathways and predicts the correct pathway for a new instruction .
8 Pentium is five times as fast as the Intel 486 chip found in the swiftest of today 's desktop PCs .
9 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 .
10 Claiming SCI is five times faster than Futurebus+ , Dolphin marketing director Lars Lauritzsen says ‘ Futurebus+ has been quite a disappointment … for us the questions it set to answer remain unsolved ’ .
11 As the U.S. population is five times the size of Britain 's the U.K. 's reserves are now 2.5 times those of the U.S. on a per capita basis .
12 Maternal morality is five times higher in El Salvador than in the US .
13 In this case , Rosat observations suggest that the ratio of baryon mass to total mass within 3 megaparsecs is about 25 per cent , which is five times as large as the cosmological ratio in the standard model .
14 But the risk is five times higher in partners of patients coinfected with HIV .
15 The latest figures show that the death and serious injury rate on that road is five times the national motorway average .
16 The bovine gall bladder model has been studied in our laboratory and we have shown that there are striking similarities in the composition of bovine and human bile apart from cholesterol concentration , which is five times less in cattle compared with human bile ( unpublished data ) .
17 The Pack does n't meet in Boulogne itself but at a small town ( une petite ville ) , called Wimereux , which is five kilometres north of le ferry port .
18 It was early morning , but since all trains in Russia run on Moscow time , which is five hours behind , the platform clock confusingly said 1am .
19 No , this is at colliery er which is five mile from .
20 The beach is five minutes away , the nightlife in the new town is about the same , and the main shopping areas of town are a short stroll away .
21 Bradford City Centre interchange is five minutes ' walk from the Museum with rail , bus and taxi service under one roof .
22 If , literally , all the time you can spare , is five minutes in the morning before you go to work , and a couple of hours in the evening when you come home , then you would probably be better off with a caged animal , such as a hamster or bird .
23 Ravello centre is five minutes walk away and the coast , three miles away , is served by local bus .
24 The Giordano is set in gardens near Ravello 's main square and the beautiful Villa Maria is five minutes walk away overlooking the coast .
25 The Lower Tier is five minutes ' walk away .
26 HORLEY is five minutes from Gatwick Airport .
27 the train 's gone past and it 's gone off to Clarkeston , which is five minutes up the road and then you 've got to wait until it comes back again .
28 British Rail tell us that the Glasgow to Brighton train which was due at Oxford at half past five , is running forty five minutes late this evening , and the six twenty four Manchester to London Paddington train is five minutes late .
29 What five S , this is five S five you were over there .
30 So this this is five S ?
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