Example sentences of "[is] something to " in BNC.

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1 Rigidity of approach is something to be avoided at all costs — there is no point in being able to do a ‘ party piece ’ one way and be unable to take in new direction on the same material .
2 While different kinds of discrimination are not to be conflated , I believe there is something to be learned from homophobia about other kinds .
3 THERE is something to be said for a government creating horrible problems for itself .
4 At least that is something to be thankful for , something I shall not have to explain a tenth or fifteenth or hundredth time , one worry off my mind .
5 My mother taught me that the female body is something to be ashamed of .
6 Mere showmanship is not in Vengerov 's musical vocabulary , and in a piece like the Saint-Saens Havanaise the seductive tone quality , with all its shifts of colouring , is something to be relished .
7 ‘ It is something to be cherished and nurtured , adapted and improved , but in our country it is in mortal danger . ’
8 There is something to be said for such a view .
9 But to engineers — particularly mechanical engineers — patent law is something to be aware of .
10 It is something to be proud of , ’ she said .
11 A right is something to which you are entitled .
12 On display is something to interest everyone , from the wartime Meteor to the supersonic Lightning , including such classics as the Vulcan , Canberra , Hunter and Starfighter .
13 As marriage partners view themselves with regard to the prospect of being loved there is something to be said for considering the phileo model .
14 It is , first of all , the only view according to the internal constitutional laws of the Dominions affected , and there is something to be said for avoiding conflicts of constitutional laws .
15 There are three basic misconceptions which are especially common : first , that doubt is wrong because it is the same thing as unbelief ; second , that doubt is a problem which troubles faith but not knowledge ; and third , that doubt is something to be ashamed of because it is dishonest to believe if you have doubts .
16 In this chapter we will examine a third misconception about doubt — the idea that doubt is something to be ashamed of because it is dishonest to believe if you have doubts .
17 It may , according to circumstances and the personalities involved , be best to fix a regular mutually agreeable day for visiting , so that it is something to be looked forward to and prepared for .
18 The Mid Shift button offers quite a marked change in tonality , and is something to be left to the taste of the individual and his/her guitar type .
19 However , there is something to be said for being kept waiting by a buyer .
20 The children are your constant care , and their education is something to you .
21 What I am trying to say is that the anorexic has sufficient sense of identity to know that identity is something to be fought for — by whatever means .
22 This is something to be aware of : say you 'd like it loud if you would , otherwise as a mistaken token of respect you 'll hardly hear it .
23 The conclusion to which we can come is that cannibalism is rare but that , in extremis , it is something to which the human species will resort .
24 He was already renowned for his view that ‘ democracy is something to be struggled for , not conferred from above ’ , and as Kelly points out , this doctrine was voiced during the September protests .
25 Maybe liberal reformism is something to be contemplated today , even by those waiting patiently for the revolution tomorrow .
26 That someone is unsteady on his feet , off-balance , swaying bout , is something to be seen , or , if we are holding him , felt .
27 This is something to which 70 per cent of the Carter camp will likewise admit , at a push .
28 Mama says that honest work , no matter how lowly , is something to be proud of . ’
29 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
30 Equally the way in which economic activity has increasingly come to be organized within the company rather than through the market is something to be celebrated instead of feared .
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