Example sentences of "[is] something in " in BNC.

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1 One can also add that there is something in the present policies of the SDLP which suggest a need to maintain a somewhat fragile unity in respect of the national question .
2 Hence the elaboration and the perfection of explanations for inflation which have nothing to do with Government is something in which you naturally find politicians of all schools , but particularly of the public expenditure school , joining with good will .
3 There is something in the British character which predisposes us to push to the limit , and beyond , the resources of self-deception to create the illusion that we can enjoy incompatible advantages simultaneously and secure a prize without paying the price for it .
4 There is something in this above controversy and outrage and all these over-familiar words .
5 There is something in that .
6 There is something in this pattern of behaviour that is very reminiscent of some addictive or compulsive behaviours .
7 There is something in that , as Balzac would witness .
8 There is something in this country that fails to nourish them . ’
9 On the surface , there is something in the government 's view .
10 Thus , there is something in the cytoplasm of the egg , from the very beginning , which makes the animal region different from the vegetal .
11 There is , then , something in the idea of being for animal welfare we all can accept , just as there is something in the ideas of being against cruelty and for human responsibility and animal protection .
12 .. It can hardly be considered that to ask an employee to acquire basic skills as to retrieving information from a computer … is something in the slightest esoteric or even , nowadays , unusual .
13 I suspect what the conclusion wants to imply is that there is something in the philosophy of science which says that science should be used for good things and that war is not one of these .
14 Marketing people would have us believe that every eighty-oddyear-old pianist who dies was ‘ the last of the Romantics ’ — yet there is something in that , and there does seem to be an increasing number of younger pianists who play , as Horowitz had it , like typewriters .
15 There is something in his voice that sounds like regret ; he likes to be inside the minds of craftsmen of 400 years ago , making the furniture , building the house .
16 The British , of course , have not been alone in this ; there is something in human nature which responds worshipfully to the sheer splendour of the Masai physical presence .
17 In the opposing camp you will find the dyed-in-the-wool sceptics who can not even begin to conceive that perhaps there is something in it .
18 And I can tell you that there is something in Cave 's music , something black and unnameable , that 's becoming an increasingly rare commodity in modern rock .
19 Work , in the conventional view , is pleasant and rewarding ; it is something in which all favoured by occupation rejoice to a varying degree .
20 There is something in you that loves the wild , the primitive ; you will pursue it even at the cost of what you cherish .
21 And I believe it is something in which we should all be involved .
22 Siegel said softly , ‘ If that 's the case , let's hope there is something in his life that he would miss too much to let it go so easily … ’
23 ‘ Yes , but you said yourself that Arnold Bros is something in our heads .
24 Because the practice is something in which people share , there are behavioural criteria for saying that someone has cottoned on to the use of an expression .
25 If I was right in supposing this to be the nub of his argument , then a prior question to be considered was : ‘ Do people in fact suppose themselves to be justified in using the word ‘ hot ’ of material things , like fires , because they think there is something in the fire like what is in them when they feel hot ? ’
26 That is , we refer to our sensations as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ because they are the sensations which usually go with our bodies being hot or cold ; and it is not the case that we call external things hot and cold because we think there is something in common between them and our bodily sensations .
27 There is something in the new package for everybody , and for every aspect of the exam .
28 Nobody knows the true measure of that inflation , but in the cities it is something in the region of 15–20% a year , and rising .
29 There is something in that .
30 Benedick stays in prose , however , after the overhearing — perhaps there is something in him truly resistant to romance — whereas Beatrice moves up to verse after her duping ( II.i.107–16 ) .
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