Example sentences of "[is] where [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Furnished with a squashy sofa , tartan throws and embroidered scatter cushions , this is where everybody sprawls in front of a blazing fire to watch TV .
2 Which is where everything starts to fuck up , because the moment we turn our attention to Herr Mayer he tells us that the money he used to pay the Iranians was put up by the son of a well-known local citizen . ’
3 The pool is where everyone used to collect ?
4 The great majority of voters give their first vote either to the CDU/CSU or to the SPD in much the same way as most British voters give their only vote to the Conservatives or Labour : that is where their basic loyalty lies .
5 this is where their friends are .
6 But this is where their lives change .
7 And this is the great chamber , and this is where their tour ends I think if we just go back if we go straight back into the place we started , and so just finish it off , then I must I must finish off as well .
8 Although TLV 's are not designed with nuisance , particularly odour nuisance in mind , adhering to the Health and Safety Executive Guidelines will prevent obnoxious odours in the workplace where the level at which the odour of a particular substance can be perceived , that is where its odour threshold detection value , is higher than its TLV .
9 Whereas , in a crystal we may choose the axes of symmetry , in an amorphous polymer there is by definition no symmetry and all we know about the atom in a chain is where its topological nearest neighbours are but not where its spatial neighbours are , except that they lie within a " van der Waals radius ' of the chosen atom .
10 The minimum of the gradient of the Legendre approximation is where its second derivative vanishes .
11 ‘ This is where they herd the humans , girl , ’ I said to myself .
12 This is where they do such good , where they really make a visit worth while and where they learn what ordinary people think , need and feel .
13 Many of the meats in this category may not immediately be labelled as sausages in your mind , but this is where they fit in the standard delicatessen classification .
14 Ghorbanifar : Here is where they have to pay us .
15 ‘ Over there is where they killed Lord — , nearly a hundred years ago .
16 That stone is where they used to say Mass in thim days . ’
17 The debates which raged round their building programmes were themselves healthy signs , showing that they were in the mainstream of Victorian life which is where they wanted to be .
18 What we need to know is where they 're heading for — so we can be ready for them .
19 This is where they make their most stable contact .
20 adolescent boys are out on the streets and more likely to join gangs , and this is where they can become involved in minor law-breaking which may lead to more serious criminality .
21 Interestingly , the design requirements of eyes on the side of your head , which is where they need to be for all-round vision , plus the need for excellent binocular vision , leads to the cutaway snout or long face , such as we find in many rodents , including squirrels ( see Figure 4.3 ) .
22 Perhaps indeed , he suggests , this is where they came from , born through outer space from some other planet , in some other star system .
23 All the hearty citizens of this city who can walk are at the Citadel , because that is where they have locked up the food , and are distributing it .
24 ‘ It must have been in the forest — ’ Joan said dreamily ‘ — because that is where they found him next day .
25 You could enjoy a week in a Center Parc ( this is where they started ) , or pursue the more cultural charms of Breughel and Delft pottery .
26 This is where the players are attracted , and this is where they are offered their perks because this is where it can be afforded .
27 This is where they leave you while your existence is hacked from the memory of the former life .
28 I have not , but my sister worked in a hotel there for a time — that is where they met — and she says it is very remarkable . ’
29 If they know where to find a powerful enemy this is where they will go , even if it means almost certain — or , indeed , certain — death !
30 One approach — more like traders in financial services — is where they work almost independently , having their own cluster of clients and work with only a secretary .
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