Example sentences of "[is] just because " in BNC.

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1 It is just because whatever one has planned to do is bound to be altered in the process that it is important to start at the right moment , he wrote .
2 It is just because whatever one has planned is bound to change as one proceeds that it is fatal to start too soon or too late , though it may be no less fatal , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , to start at the right time , for then there is no excuse , no excuse whatsoever .
3 It is just because the whole of this institution of married women 's property existed in Equity only that Equity could mould the institution just as it pleased .
4 I think it is just because his is too mild and wo n't make an effort to assert himself .
5 On the other hand , it is just because the fibre tubes can be crushed locally that wood can be nailed and screwed without splitting , provided we do not abuse the wood too much .
6 It is just because paradigms have such a persuasive influence on the science practised within them that the replacement of one by another must be a revolutionary one .
7 In fact , Stevens ( 1991 ) argues that it is just because devaluation does not work as an instrument of economic policy that the argument for a single currency is made more powerful .
8 But it is just because participants in conversation may be expected to observe the sub-maxim " be orderly " that we have that expectation .
9 You may believe that it is just because I am an extremely popular person .
10 It is just because of your hair .
11 Now I 'm not quite sure whether it 's because we 've known , like Naomi , we 've we know periods of barrenness and leanness that his blessing seems so much more , I do n't know if that 's what it is , or whether it is just because his blessings are so bountiful , but she is overwhelmed by God 's goodness and by God 's blessing to her they could now experience God 's blessing .
12 ‘ That 's just because you 're stupid , ’ Alex , her brother , announced , immediately receiving a punch in the ribs from Richard .
13 ‘ I suppose it 's just because things are a bit dire on that front at present .
14 And it 's just because we hate it that we 'll beat you .
15 Ah ha , you say — that 's just because she lives in the country now .
16 It 's just because I 'm so ashamed of what I 'm doing , yet there 's no way I can stop .
17 But that 's just because they wear black and the bass player glides in synch with the disaster area that is the guitar player .
18 I think it 's just because of our image that people think we 're sexist because people are a bit intimidated really .
19 If you think it 's evil , it 's just because you 're afraid of it .
20 It 's just because it 's so remarkable , I suppose , that one tries to do something about it , something even further , which is , of course , impossible .
21 It 's just because you feel affection from someone else . "
22 Perhaps it 's just because you do n't like her ?
23 It 's just because you 're the poor fish my daughter married ; but then the unfortunate girl could n't get a better catch in her particular sea . ’
24 But that 's just because of the way she knows Nigerian boys are brought up at home .
25 It also seems to provide a rather better description of how to create and modify patterns that the original Illustrator 88 manual — or perhaps that 's just because the subject is being tackled in context rather than as an academic exercise .
26 ‘ She comes across as lazy , but I 'm sure it 's just because Miss Philimore wo n't give her any responsibility .
27 I suppose it 's just because I feel so comfortable with you . ’
28 Erm certainly I think all of our quarry , the quarry , I think we were overwhelmed with the support because it was really in our place that the dispute started and a lot of other people who I 'd spoken to you know they they were amazed at the support we received and , seemed to be the shyer the people you know the , some of the lads they never spoke much at lodge meetings , but after a while they 'd be getting up and saying their pieces and , you know I think it 's just because you knew you had backing , and people helping and urging you on , advising you , and the union helping and you know they leant over backwards in various fields to help us .
29 They may think it 's just because it contains a reference to the Khedive 's family . ’
30 Or is it because there 's a different culture in the north and south because the , the two parts of China are very different , so you do n't know whether it 's the Communist Party that 's determining this difference or whether it 's just because of a difference of culture there .
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