Example sentences of "[is] only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Bush 's old agency , the CIA , suddenly produced the trial 's only real , live agent to blow apart a key assertion : that Noriega had fallen out with the cartel after his troops destroyed a state-of-the-art cocaine laboratory in Panama .
2 These were Alexander II 's only real choices , but before he decided between them the notion of tying the provinces more closely to the centre had to be ruled out of court .
3 Brain , the team 's only international , has been on the point of resigning both as a player and as the club 's salaried steward , and his decision will not be known until today .
4 There 's only certain perfumes I can wear . ’
5 pointed out how tag questions there 's only certain structures you can put them in , that were going to direct it rather than proper questions say someone who 's asking all proper questions , is he going to use as many tag questions anyway ?
6 That 's why it 's only black people who will put an end to racism ; our whole experience tells us that .
7 which will cost a thousand pound and there 's only black and while .
8 Mothers often recount how embarrassed they feel and that if they try to ignore their child 's screams in town then other shoppers make comments like ‘ Oh , give him a sweet , he 's only small ’ .
9 ‘ She 's only small , but she 's got a big heart and that 's what counts , ’ said Roberts .
10 She 's only small .
11 And it 's only small helpings because you can come for more , okay ?
12 Oh yes I 'd should think she 's only small .
13 But David 's only part-time anyway is n't he ?
14 ‘ It 's only young Will Davies , dropped his bowl on the floor by the sound of it . ’
15 He 's only young and has a satisfactory record as far as I can see .
16 I could boss him around because he 's only young !
17 I mean , she 's only young is n't she ?
18 E T , come on , he 's only young your chap is n't he ?
19 Do you think it 's only noticeable cos you know ?
20 ‘ He 's only drunk because he was worried , ’ Arthur said .
21 ‘ It 's only civil , after all . ’
22 Well , it 's only polite to say whether if you
23 She sorts out the vests trying several against the doll and saying , ‘ It 's only halfway up her ’ .
24 There 's only instant , I 'm afraid .
25 It 's only metallic silver , grey .
26 It 's only standard practice ( you 'd get the same treatment were we to interview you ) and has nothing to do with fawning over ‘ stars ’ .
27 The only surviving issue is a granddaughter , Margaret , commonly called the Maid of Norway , offspring of Eric II of Norway , who married Alexander III 's only surviving daughter .
28 Florence reports under 1016 that English counsellors decided upon the exile of the much-respected ætheling Eadwig , Æthelred 's only surviving son by his first consort , and that Cnut , exulting at their abandonment of him , plotted his murder by promising honours , dignities and favour to the nobleman Æthelweard in return for Eadwig 's head .
29 Throughout the session I 'm the one required to do all the talking and there 's only intermittent participation from the therapist .
30 There 's only global versus local processing above that A and B only make sense when seen together .
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