Example sentences of "[is] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During the turn-off , there is time for a reassessment of the height remaining relative to trees and buildings , and a decision has to be made either to continue turning to make a low circuit , or to turn back into wind after using up a little more height ( this is known as an S-turn ) .
2 A minimum safe speed for most gliders is the minimum cruising speed , but this is only safe at height , where there is time for recovery if a stall occurs .
3 It is time for certain philosophers to come and take a hard look at the data which we have collected before they dismiss our models and our philosophical assumptions so glibly .
4 Arthur Cox 's admiration for John Fashanu is well known , and perhaps it is time for the Maxwell millions to be used to purchase just such a battering Ram .
5 Most critics ignore the dreariness of our streets , but it is time for the public to demand better
6 All elections in two-party parliamentary systems are essentially about whether or not it is time for a change .
7 That match , for ‘ Jacki ’ , is , of course , against England , and he believes it is time for a reversal of recent results between the two countries .
8 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
9 Prolonged prosperity is as likely as prolonged adversity to engender the mood that it is time for a change .
10 ‘ He was trying to explain to us how he feels about negotiations , how it was his feeling that in any country , even if there is war , there is time for negotiations .
11 ‘ It was his feeling that in any country , even if there is war , there is time for negotiations , ’ said Mrs Sisulu , whose husband , Walter , a former secretary-general of the ANC and a close friend of Mr Mandela , is to be freed from prison .
12 Pavel Mukhortov , the Russian reporter who claims to have had a close encounter with extra-terrestrials He ( Nelson Mandela ) was trying to explain to us how he feels about negotiations , how it was his feeling that in any country , even if there is war , there is time for negotiations .
13 The same is time for visits to schools and for the school quiz , where Catholic schools are always paired on the same side as Protestant ones in order to facilitate , again momentarily , some intercommunal co-operation .
14 ‘ Maybe it is time for me to get angry and fight back at those who are fighting me , ’ she said .
15 It is time for men to come out of the nursery .
16 Now it is time for the new generation born in the wilderness to cross the Jordan , and to begin to take possession of the Land , led not by Moses , of course , since he must die on the wrong side of the river , but by Joshua .
17 You must excuse me now , Isabel , it is time for my rest . ’
18 Labour 's simple , single theme is that after 13 years it is time for a change .
19 Perhaps it is time for a change , but the only change available is Labour , with or without Liberal appendages .
20 An important lesson that has been learnt from the Beck case is that it is time for art historians to stop standing by in cowardice and make responsible evaluations of the restoration techniques used .
21 It is time for some changes . ’
22 Ken Croswell says it is time for a little post-Copernican thinking
23 It is time for us to thank .
24 When it is time for recreation , he sets aside his regal dignity for a moment , and is in such a humour that his condescension can not be criticised , his severity can not be called bloodthirsty .
25 Now that society is at last recognizing and developing the full range of women 's abilities and now that women are seen to have , with men , full ‘ human rights ’ , many people conclude that it is time for the Church of England to embody in its official ministry the biblical vision of equal partnership between women and men .
26 It is time for direct action , test and observation and I will give two examples which promise a rational future .
27 This is no time for delicacy and posing , it is time for strong-arm stuff which would bring looks of admiration from a shark angler and cause a tiddler snatcher to cringe in fear .
28 He must be able to stamp his authority not only on his team but on the peloton as a whole , directing the whole tenor of the race before it is time for him to go to the front and win .
29 In 1976 Brewer and Hills stated that ‘ It is time for librarians to take evaluation more seriously and to think more professionally about their teaching commitment ’ .
30 Music lovers should not start feeling apprehensive , for the whole circus moves to London when it is time for the Aldeburgh festival .
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