Example sentences of "[is] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When was the last time Lukic had to save ? ? in fact he s one of the better ‘ savers ’ .
2 Is one over E squared .
3 is one over five one fifth .
4 The map f : unc is one to one ( briefly 1-1 ) iff from unc it follows that
5 The only sites that have been provided in the last six years is one at Hinksey Hill , nothing else .
6 Although many of these detainees were released in 1989 , including Mulugetta 's wife and son , he is one of 50 still held .
7 He is one of a group of seven young Muslim activists in Brebes , Central Java , convicted on charges arising from their involvement in Muslim groups known as usroh , aiming to deepen awareness of Islamic teachings .
8 Mohamed Abbad is one of 31 people tried in May 1984 in Marrakech following demonstrations in January 1984 against price rises and the imposition of an examination fee for the baccalaureate examination .
9 Animals make up a category of painting with an uneven reputation , though the theme is one of obvious importance and interest in sculpture .
10 Additionally , the cataloguer will be sure to make comparisons , which will be useful to the reader , for the format is one of the few in which a generous number of illustrations can be included .
11 A definition of Bellini 's oeuvre is one of the hardest problems in the history of painting .
12 Here is one of the descriptions from the profile on Georges Braque :
13 Subtly mythic and ethnocentric , the novel is one of Naipaul 's most rewarding .
14 ‘ The image you give ’ , Fraser tells Ilse , meaning the image she gives of himself as a boy , ‘ is one of dependency , extreme docility .
15 Benguela , in the south , is one of Kapuscinski 's ghost towns .
16 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
17 This is one of the great roles for a black actor ( not that black actors in these days are not eligible to play practically any character in Shakespeare , with the exception of Desdemona ! ) .
18 Carol is one of a party of young punk girls .
19 Isolation is one of the biggest problems for the unemployed actor , for acting is something which needs communication with others .
20 The absolute discipline of drama training is one of the major things that helps you all the time .
21 This is one of the special characteristics of catholicism , and is found to a much lesser extent in non-episcopal traditions .
22 Mild ale is one of the last surviving examples of the type of beer the whole world drank until new developments in Britain and Europe introduced lighter coloured brews .
23 Most people nowadays would agree that a good pub is one of our best traditions and a vital and distinctive ingredient of our national way of life .
24 Bedford Park is regarded as the first Garden Suburb in England , and thus has an international importance , while Shaw is one of the most important architects of the Victorian period , best known as the designer of the old New Scotland Yard building on the London Embankment .
25 The other task in July for Xu — he is one of China 's most highly regarded chefs , consultants and writers , the Chinese equivalent of Victor Ceserani — was to teach the Norwich staff and advise on setting up the course .
26 Backing up data is one of the basics of any computer system .
27 Master Foods sector development manager Kathryn Bowler says : ‘ Pasta is one of the fastest expanding areas of the UK 's catering market and there is plenty of potential for further growth .
28 ‘ That is one of the things that is making our enquiries difficult . ’
29 American born Howard Schuman is one of the most original and idiosyncratic script writers working in British television .
30 What on earth is one of those ? ’
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