Example sentences of "[is] so important " in BNC.

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1 Her virtue is so important to her that she can more easily contemplate her brother sacrificing his life to save her virginity than that she might sacrifice herself for him .
2 Usually it will be only for a few seconds , but it is the ability to do it instantly on demand that is so important .
3 It is this careful attention to traditional dance rhythms which is so important to the style of both ballets , although neither can be called a character or national work ( see page 28 ) .
4 This gives an impression of speed which is so important in this interpretation of Czerny 's finger exercises for the piano , and is quite alien to the soft rise and fall of the Sylphides ' jetés danced to Chopin 's romantic music in a woodland glade .
5 It is this opening up and exposure of traditional dance that is so important when choreographers attempt to give a realistic atmosphere to the style and expression of their work .
6 It is this strong contrast between the two parts which is so important to maintain whether the dances are in demi-caractère or character ( authentic ) style .
7 This is why Bratfisch is so important .
8 The need to avoid bad history is the reason the debate over the teaching of history in schools is so important : what is the proper balance between traditional concerns with royalty and battles as against the need to understand the great political movements of our time and the social and economic conditions which spawned them ?
9 Touring is so important .
10 I have a headache and am concerned that the wind has dehydrated me ; it is so important to pour liquid down in the Arctic , especially in winter .
11 That is why the sachet I have sent you is so important .
12 And why it is so important that you respond to this appeal today .
13 That 's why it is so important that we do n't give up for an instant .
14 Educating the people is vitally important too — because unless families understand why immunisation is so important , they will not bring their children forward to be vaccinated .
15 We all have hopes for the future and that is why supporting CND is so important .
16 ‘ The consultation before the cut is so important .
17 ‘ I mean , good lighting is so important . ’
18 Their protagonists argue that the law of murder is so important socially that derogation from the principle of maximum certainty should be allowed in favour of more accurate labelling by the courts ; opponents argue that the principle of maximum certainty is needed here specifically to reduce the risk of verdicts based on discriminatory or irrelevant factors , such as distaste for the defendant 's background , allegiance , or other activities .
19 Protein is so important that nearly all diets , no matter what other failings they may have , emphasize adequate protein intake .
20 There are a number of other less obvious reasons why the companionship of other horses is so important .
21 Boys do not have the same pressures as we do , they are not taught that image is so important ; the media , society , and especially parents give them this impression .
22 Unfortunately senior executives often either consider that no-one less senior than themselves can be trusted with knowledge of a meeting , or that the meeting is so important that they alone are significant enough to occupy the chair .
23 Why will you not understand the psychology that is so important in the national question and which , if the slightest coercion is applied , besmirches , soils and nullifies the undoubtedly progressive importance of centralized large States and a uniform language ?
24 Foreign aid is so important in conservation policy-making in lesser developed countries because , with a few exceptions , most newly independent lesser developed countries had either no official conservation organisation whatsoever ( as in Latin America with the exception of a couple of Southern Brazilian states ) or had experienced the colonial model mentioned above , principally in Africa , South and South-east Asia .
25 ‘ If it is so important to you , Miss Kenton , I will allow that the Chinaman behind me may well be incorrectly situated .
26 This is why it is so important to have soul-friends , who sometimes know us better than we can ever know ourselves .
27 Meanwhile , let's explore more fully what is so important about iteration .
28 That is why the rest of this book is so important .
29 Comedy is so important to Patricia Routledge
30 ‘ The event gave the TEC a good opportunity to discover the needs of this vital Hampshire industry , which is so important to the country 's prosperity .
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