Example sentences of "[is] not only " in BNC.

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1 But the function of art history today is not only to make such identifications , but also to relate an individual work humanistically to other works of the same school , period and culture , while remaining sensitive to its salient aesthetic qualities .
2 A Roman catholic ethos is not only present in the constitution of 1937 but has penetrated into affairs of state , legislation , and decisions over the destinies of individuals with frequency .
3 For when it comes it is more violent , more annihilating , more interminable than I can remember it , this feeling in the pit of the stomach , this physical pain and physical desire to retch , to want to get rid of something , of everything , to want to make all that is inside emerge and disappear , drain away , mingle with the rest of the detritus of the world , but it is not only physical , a physical sensation , he wrote , it is physical but it is also something else , not moral , not psychological , not spiritual , but something else , something other than the purely physical .
4 We have also followed his preparations for the world title bout with Karpov , some of us , it must be confessed , with a certain amount of incredulity , since , however much these world championship matches are now dependent on stamina rather than brilliance , it has struck more than a few people that a chess player is not a footballer , in particular a fifty-year-old self-exiled Russian Grandmaster is not a footballer , and that to think that by training like one he will become as fit is not only an illusion , it is a dangerous illusion .
5 This is not only a source of plant foods , but also encourages earthworm activity .
6 When students are learning to glide , the instructor is not only teaching them the technique of flying a glider , but also how to make decisions and judgements in the air .
7 In some cases the disqualification is not only from a particular event within a tournament , but from the whole tournament .
8 I 'm going to conclude this chapter with what I know will be offensive to some referees and judges ; yet it is not only my opinion .
9 As I said , it is not only the modern , computational form of representational theory which is , from the point of view of constructivism , mistaken .
10 The brain is not only an electrical machine , it also has a physical and chemical structure and these too are now being monitored in the living brain .
11 The observation that a sensory system has a relatively low threshold for the form of energy which it transforms into experience is not only a pre-scientific empirical observation but also one that science could not reform — if reform were necessary — nor independently validate .
12 Nevertheless he is uniquely different because he is not only a hero but also a powerful magician in the tradition of many Slav and Asiatic epics .
13 THE guest beer market is not only a target for UK companies .
14 The low RF interference and low component count claims are usually made because the Cuk topology is not only able to accommodate the input and output filter chokes on the same magnetic core as the transformer , but it can also reduce the input and output ripple currents to very low levels .
15 Since politics is traditionally one of the major defining activities of a rational humanity , the discussion of literature in political terms is not only possible but desirable , as the major critics of the past have shown .
16 This is not only the temperament of the teacher : it represents also , with Pound , a passionate desire , not merely to write well himself , but to live in a period in which he could be surrounded by equally intelligent and creative minds .
17 But he is not only a fine actor and an even finer dancer he is also uncommonly and unabashedly sexy .
18 It is not only defence ministries that would look askance at the creation of a defence oligopoly ; competition authorities exist to keep a beady eye on such tendencies .
19 The country has to decide whether higher education is not only a private good but a public good .
20 Sir : The announcement of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Dalai Lama is not only wonderful news for Tibetans throughout the world and for those who admire this selfless leader of the Tibetan people .
21 Existing credit and other ( non-bank ) credit is not only non-inflationary , but beneficial .
22 The measure is not only the first full-scale law passed by the Supreme Soviet in its new incarnation as a professional legislature .
23 But it is not only recession fears which drive down the pound .
24 This is not only a matter of familiarity but of the connected conditions of relaxation and self-confidence .
25 The thing about Mr Healey 's delightful book is not only the bloody poetry but the classical allusions .
26 But it is not only typical patterns of informal on-the-job training which are important , for there is also a congruence in aspects of formal police training ( on both aspects of training see Fielding 1984 , 1988a , b ) .
27 But around these primary typifications exist a whole array which operate in more specific settings ( court duty , post-mortems , the enquiry desk , and so on ) , whose use therefore is not only contextually related but also more restricted .
28 Its magnetism is not only spiritual — in some quarters the rock pegmatite has a strange distorting effect on compass bearings .
29 Government assistance is not only unnecessary , but positively harmful .
30 This use of Shakespeare , the central figure of Anglo-Saxon culture , stresses that the poem is not only about the cultural change in Venice , but about that at the heart of our own language and culture also .
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