Example sentences of "[is] [vb -s] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 when she 's goes to do hair and that ?
2 I do n't think she 's wants to go home .
3 However I know for a fact that is has done much more than just promote real draught ale .
4 Which it is has done .
5 The circulation is erm is has grown every year we 've had it and that 's very important because erm a lot of the subscrip a lot of the circulation of Les Echo is in fact a subscription in advance such it 's cash generating qualities are high even when the profits are down .
6 From the Cairngorms through the Spey valley pinewoods round Abernethy and Rothiemurchus , out to Wester Ross and even the inner isles , so much wild country is changing hands — or at least changing status — that is has begun to look as if Scotland might at last be able to possess a tract of untroubled land , a sanctuary free of commercial pressures and of what the poet Thomas Grey called ‘ the pomp of power ’ , where native wildlife could flourish and humans meditate upon their species ' past follies and arrogance .
7 So I think it 's easy to see that religion fulfils this civilizing socially controlling role , but of course , this has been a popular theme in sociological writing in the course of the twentieth century , indeed , you could go so far as to say this , it is has become a cliche , in twentieth century social science .
8 He said If this person who ever he is has decided to join the Tory party then it is a matter for him and a matter of small regret but not one which will cause us to lie awake worrying about .
9 erm but that specifically is one of the developments that is has had to be the cut with the budget that was made last month .
10 One of one of the sons is has resigned out of like the .
11 It 's come in in different ways , maths , English and science from Spring Gardens is separate separate sheets which we can actually take out the files and give to each department , there 's no problem there Saint John 's again , is separate sheets , Collingwood is n't , it 's actually on photocopiable sheets , we either cut them up and give them out separately in some form or whatever , and what I 've , what we hope to do over the next maybe this year is to ask them for a sheet each , for each subject that we can actually take out of the file and give to each department , so that is has arrived , it ha did arrive last year but it arrived in such hotch botch that we did n't actually give it out , but we certainly have it this year and Marian and I certainly , Marian anyway will get that together and give it out to departments .
12 Tony is as Trevor said is has has has got aspirations
13 She 's has survived for years in the tough world of clubs to eventually come out top .
14 this is the trouble with this country because it 's has has
15 Anyone who 's has bought one is asked to return it to Oxfam 's headquarters in Banbury Road Oxford .
16 He 's allows to pick his successor on the board so long as the person is ‘ reasonably acceptable ’ to the other directors .
17 the green , I can , I , he 's says to buy four of them without thinking about it cos they 're so nice and that 's really the thing that we do n't do when we go to Basingstoke we start going around saying well which one shall I have , but they said that you have n't looked at it like I 've looked at those and you looked at yours because that oatmeal colour will be very , very handy for erm sticking with anything and everything
18 This is where it 's says do you know what you 're talking about ?
19 Such explanation as there is tends to rely on ‘ competition ’ as the major factor rather than on the elitism .
20 I mean you 're not really , you put it through it 's paces to see if it would do what we wanted it to do but that 's not actually .
21 What research and evidence there is appears to suggest that at school level at least their educational achievements are higher than those of Afro-Caribbean boys , and that they exhibit a greater tenacity in the pursuit of educational qualifications than white girls .
22 For so much was untrue , and Margaret never doubted her sister 's integrity ; they really believed , poor things , that what they said was true , and Miss Ironside or whatever her name is seems to have had some grudge against her .
23 The allis shad , a member of the herring family , was once commonplace in the Severn and Wye valleys , where is ascends to spawn in spring , but its numbers have recently declined dramatically .
24 It 's seems to happen to i
25 Everybody 's seems to speed all of a sudden .
26 He 's tries to look like Michael Jackson do n't he ?
27 Role allocations are accepted by role performers , and the group is enables to tackle the task .
28 Unfortunately the mouse does n't eliminate the keyboard completely , the basic information still has to be fed into the computer but what is does do is to make the manipulation of that information much simpler .
29 I do n't know if you would agree with that or what you think of that , and one might to combat that if you agree that is does exist ?
30 This curious list , published in the Guardian last November , perhaps said more about Sister Wendy 's concern for poetic painterliness than about the state of women 's creativity , yet is does highlight the growing regard in which Roxy Walsh 's work is held .
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