Example sentences of "[is] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone is to go it should be Whyte and Fairclough , the two defenders who contributed so much to Leeds downfall in 1992–3 .
2 Some of the myths surrounding the goddess Venus warn that the worst trespass against her is to see her naked and asleep .
3 All she wants , she says , is to see her brother again .
4 So one way to sort out the various GUTs is to see which can be used to tell believable — and , ideally , testable — stories about the big bang .
5 The aim of the game is to see which of the teams can fill up their glass the first .
6 It 's a good enough excuse that you need to check for gaffs , but the real reason for dry-assembly is to see what this hitherto fictitious table looks like .
7 The best way to illustrate a typical day in the life of the Corps is to see What one man , in this case Warrant Officer Class 2(WO2) C Wilkinson , did on 30 June 1989 .
8 A technique used to test for the autonomy of cell development is to see what happens to cells if their neighbours are killed-off by a fine laser beam .
9 A useful guide to the first two is to see what effect a symptom has on the patient 's ability to function as a whole , creative , happy , loving human being , taking into account their normal state of course !
10 Explain that no one is to see what they have written on the paper and then ask them to pin it on the back of the next guest to arrive .
11 The art is to see what needs to be transformed , lifted out of its old state and elevated into a new one .
12 The second stage is to see what conclusions you can draw from the facts : in other words , to try to fit these into a pattern that makes sense .
13 One way of checking what people are eating is to see what they throw away .
14 Now acknowledging what you say Rog , if you consider he ca n't do that work , then as the next phase what we 're gon na have to do , you and I , is to see what action we can take .
15 Re-equipment is now in progress , and the purpose of studying it is to see what practical lessons can be learned , which will be of value in future projects .
16 Now the reason we 've asked them to talk to the government , government departments about this is to see what can be done .
17 " All I want is to see her in a place where she 'll be cared for .
18 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
19 Through the discipline of such action , that is , through karma yoga , which involves ahi sā , we come to the realization of Truth or God , for to realize God is to see Him in all that lives , and to recognize our oneness with all creation .
20 What I want is to see him win that second gold and wear the flag again — while the Yanks stand fuming .
21 The Court can also make Orders about where the child is to live and who is to see him or her in the event of a relationship breakdown .
22 But , the best thing to do is to see him at his off where he works , he 's a tailor you know that , do you ?
23 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
24 Overall , the most fruitful way to examine the interaction of courts , executives and assemblies is to see them all as engaged in a continuous process by which the law and rights are constantly being defined and redefined .
25 It 's as hard to do justice to the beauty of the Eternal City in a few words as it is to see everything in a few days .
26 To taste it is to see something as strange and intangible as Rumi 's harvest of stars .
27 Tell them that the competition is to see who can go through the obstacles blindfold without touching them .
28 The object of the game is to see who can shake it off in the shortest time without using their hands , but they can move their head in any direction they wish .
29 But with office facilities so scarce in the Commons , one of the most reliable is to see who 's been offered what by the Whips .
30 What I want is to see she 's human .
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