Example sentences of "[is] [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 we 're talking about abortion , who 's responsibility it was , erm they just were nay prepared to put forward their opinions .
2 I do n't car who 's money it is .
3 Er it 's whatsit it 's some some er Norwegian thing and
4 It is contract it 's a monthly contract you work for three weeks for one pound sixteen shillings and at the end of the month they count all the slates you 've done during the month .
5 that 's strip it now , so erm
6 If it 's seaweed it must mean rain
7 It 's part it 's part of your pack Desmond , I gave you papers and you should have in it erm
8 Yes it 's freezer It 's the top , well that 's been
9 It 's afternoon keep saying that it 's afternoon it 's morning to me this afternoon pick up your phone and give me a ring now O nine O four six four one six four one .
10 In it 's hayday it was a bustling port .
11 If it 's a fairly tall one then obviously on it 's side it 's gon na long .
12 Whoever 's fault it actually was , the French aggressors , perhaps appropriately , were eventually blamed , for syphilis was generally referred to thereafter as the ‘ morbus gallicus ’ .
13 It 's responsiblebecause it brings it under control
14 Who 's law it was .
15 If this is relativity it is like Einstein 's , by which it is not that you can make any measurement come out as you please , but that from any spatio-temporal viewpoint you can estimate what will be the right measurement from any other .
16 He 's scene it !
17 Most recent of course , is euthanasia it does n't draw the line at killing foxes I had this terrible vision in the early hours this morning , of Ron closing all our elderly persons ' homes , pushing all the old people out onto the street and the hunt with at its head hunting them down the countryside .
18 In fact , what she does on the ice is scorch it up .
19 If it 's courage it takes to put sports cars and coupes into production then the product planners at Mazda deserve a medal .
20 yeah because the person er who 's job it is to deal with the sulks for want of a better phrase there is not is preferring not to tackle the issue because as far as she 's concerned it 's not affecting the efficiency of the office , that 's what I 'm trying to say and it 's not , in fact it 's added to the efficiency of the office if anything .
21 He 's not from our way but John Reynolds of Swindon is … and he 's the man who 's job it was to string the champion 's rackets … here 's Erika Barnes to serve
22 so er is a waste of space so and he works he works for so er that 's stuff it
23 Film making is highly technical but for it 's inspiration it depends on one 's capacity intuitively and creatively , and it means bloody hard work
24 like the it 's , it 's industrialization it 's education
25 It 's oak it 's been matured in .
26 In London an increasing amount of space is being mothballed but as soon as there is demand it will be opened up again .
27 But if it 's rubbish it 's storage for Dick it 's taking up .
28 If there is trouble it seems Jones is inevitably in the middle of it , but he ca n't afford to mix it any more with a six-month suspended ban hanging over him .
29 It must also be accurate , or at least accurate enough for the recipient , and timely , as information provided too late for the particular p urpose is use it can respond to the changing needs of the user .
30 Yeah there 's the price it 's size it 's this product you know the reason we 're phone you because you 've been identified as by the estate agent or medical practice or school as being very suitable and they would very much like you to support this .
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