Example sentences of "[to-vb] things [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Arlott , someone said once , seemed to know things he had no right to know .
2 He began to try to remember things he had heard about Aschmann .
3 He was n't going to come charging back , forcing her to remember things she had worked long and hard to forget , turning her entire world upside down for a second time .
4 It has been suggested that ‘ incipient ’ is an unfamiliar word , that associating the stall with a spin might get the student worried , and that to simplify things we should only talk about stalls and spins .
5 Each team 's goal is to determine what it would have to do to be first class and then to handle things its own way .
6 ‘ I think he 's decided to handle things his own way .
7 Be ready to discuss things which might puzzle the child .
8 to grow things you 've got ta do it at a specific time if you 're gon na wan na plan
9 However , while the journalist , or the politician for that matter , tends only to select things which are in accord with some preconceived view or set of values , sociologists try to go beyond this by using clearly defined theoretical concepts , representative samples and writing research reports in such a way that they can be examined , tested and , perhaps , modified by others .
10 The students have reported useful insight from their self assessments and have been able to identify things they did well , problems , and how they could improve .
11 Paul Lane had warned him that Phyllis liked to play things her own way , and now it looked as though she did indeed .
12 ‘ I thought to drive things you had to turn wheels and change gears and things ? ’ said Masklin .
13 Later it made economic sense to plan for the vehicle to carry things which had been given free in England but which were too heavy for me to manage for the whole way .
14 That frees me to enjoy things I would n't normally even try .
15 Since one can never hope to see things which are much smaller than the wave-length of the light which one is using , there was clearly no hope of ever seeing them directly by means of the ordinary optical microscope which reaches its limit with objects about half a micron thick .
16 That was what they seemed to have in common , that and Rufus 's brother and Adam knowing each other already , but after a while Adam got to see things he admired in Rufus , his toughness , the way he 'd got himself organized and in hand , the way he knew where he was going and yet still could be amusing and casual .
17 There 's hardly any of the usual vertigo effect , when I 'm trying to see things he 's not looking at , when I 'm trying to look at things he 's not seeing .
18 The Spirit enables us to know the Master , to sense his will , to grasp his mind and to see things his way .
19 I agree with Iain and I know that he is a forceful enough personality to get the Turf Club fixtures committee to see things his way .
20 In the fading light , she began to see things she 'd not noticed before .
21 Unaware , Randall was saying urgently : ‘ What would you say if I was to arrange things myself ?
22 So , what you need to do is , is , is expand on what you 've read and then start to invent things yourself .
23 But effective pursuit of some of the revolutionary goals was the province of older men — of respected ‘ average Libyans ’ , who used their position and influence , their kinship connections and the respect they had earned , to persuade others to do things they thought desirable .
24 There is no one better at persuading people to do things they might not otherwise have been inclined to do .
25 It is a system by which people can be governed , that is , made to do things they would not otherwise do , and made to refrain from doing things they otherwise might do .
26 ‘ I know the kind of expression you have when you 're getting people to do things they do n't want to do .
27 I think , well , I think do everything as early as you possibly can , as long as the kid understands what they 're doing , it 's no good getting them to do things they do n't understand , if they understand negative numbers do it
28 It 's of tremedous valuer because it give patients and clients a chance to do things they wouild n't otherwise do
29 An indie band on a major label , the PODs spurned the homogeneous spit and polish this set-up normally brings and tried to do things their own way .
30 Social work practice with these families should concentrate on constructing a framework of security from the matching stage onwards , and this must mean delegating the maximum degree of responsibility to the new family to do things their way which the law allows .
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