Example sentences of "[to-vb] those of " in BNC.

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1 A survey was to be carried out by the North Sea Conference to gain a clear picture of where dumping occurred , and it would be the responsibility of signatory countries to prosecute those of their own ships which transgressed the convention .
2 It will be the responsibility of member countries to prosecute those of their own ships which transgress the convention .
3 If he had not fallen in love with Linda his male genitals would have been sculpted to mimic those of a female by a surgeon in Middlesbrough General Hospital some time next year .
4 It will provide a national regulatory system and a regulatory body to replace those of individual cantons .
5 The organs can then be used to replace those of the sick person .
6 In the financial sector , huge increases in the assets of Japanese affiliates , due largely to purchases of highly-leveraged US financial firms , have quickly enabled assets of Japanese-controlled firms in the US to exceed those of other countries .
7 Similarly , when we turn to care at home , it is not clear that if the costs of such support were to exceed those of residential care , they could or should be met .
8 Thus , " the individual creates for himself the patterns of his linguistic behaviour so as to resemble those of the group or groups with which from time to time he wishes to be identified , or so as to be unlike those from whom he wishes to be distinguished " ( Le Page and Tabouret-Keller 1985 : 181 )
9 This brings us back to Le Page 's hypothesis : " the individual creates for himself the patterns of his linguistic behaviour so as to resemble those of the group or groups with which from time to time he wishes to be identified " ; only now we can treat " linguistic behaviour " at a micro level , interpreting " from time to time " to mean even at different stages within the same conversation — perhaps even the same utterance .
10 Putting this another way , what is the mechanism whereby we " create … the patterns of … linguistic behaviour so as to resemble those of the group or groups with which from time to time [ we wish ] to be identified " ?
11 It is unfair to see her , as Soviet historians have done , as the mere representative of the Russian nobility , trampling underfoot the interests of the great mass of the population to serve those of a small ruling class .
12 He was a very real potentate , whose reign ( 37 to 4 B.C. ) extends beyond its biblical context to overlap those of well known secular figures — of Julius Caesar , for instance , Cleopatra , Mark Antony , Augustus and other personages familiar to us from schoolbooks and even from Shakespeare .
13 For menials to play those of a higher rank and breeding seemed a deep violation of the principle of fixed division on which civilization rested .
14 As tribal culture weakens , status and power will come to be less connected with an outward demonstration of wealth , and this may pave the way for a more powerful generation of entrepreneurs as specific commercial objectives come to supersede those of status .
15 The chief scene for amorous exchange was the entrance to the boys ' swimming baths , for the girls had no baths of their own , and were obliged to use those of their brother school for their weekly afternoon 's lesson ; here , on the steps , small red messenger boys would collect , proffering envelopes from their elders .
16 With its demented self-referentiality , its abrupt and dreamlike transpositions of settings and the head-spinning ease with which each sketch would dovetail into its successor , Monty Python soon became a cult show , albeit achieving viewing figures to rival those of the cosiest and most conventional sitcom ; and its peculiar brand of humour , which contrived to be both anarchically delirious and quintessentially British , transferred without strain to the cinema , as witness And Now for Something Completely Different ( a portmanteau film of the best-known TV sketches ) , Monty Python and the Holy Grail , Jabberwocky , The Life of Brian , The Meaning of Life and , released only last week , Erik the Viking .
17 Kalm was an excellent observer , a meticulous recorder and made the most of his time at the Physic Garden , which he judged to rival those of Paris and Leyden at the time , and believed it to ‘ overgo them in North American plants ’ .
18 But this is hardly a convincing argument when produced by an organisation that collects some £130 million , even if it also proposes to give those of its members whose works are performed outside ‘ significant venues ’ a flat fee of £75 a year .
19 He cited a Daily Mail article , rather curiously signed Editor , which had attacked him for presiding over the disappearance of ‘ an immense fortune ’ left hint by his father , and had concluded : ‘ It is difficult to see how the leader of a party who has lost his own fortune can hope to restore those of anyone else , or his country .
20 Mr Adair said : ‘ A responsible and properly run society needs a system of legal aid to enable those of poor or moderate means to have access to justice . ’
21 The Scottish Office 's ‘ bridging ’ scheme , placing mid-career civil servants in company non-executive directorships , was put forward as an ideal means to broaden the skills of women in functional roles or to refresh those of women nearing the end of a career break .
22 And often it was the women who sacrificed their own needs to satisfy those of the rest of the family .
23 Japan has no significant domestic oil resources , which explains its wartime bid to seize those of the Dutch East Indies in 1942 .
24 You encouraged me to think for myself — not just to absorb your opinions but to consider those of others and develop my own .
25 Huguenots brought their skills to augment those of Zurich 's own craftsmen , and other refugees enriched its artistic life .
26 But he had made it complete with fossils and dinosaur skeletons buried under the earth ; red herrings put there to expose those of little faith .
27 British Rugby League , the former Wigan coach had said , was living in dreamland if it thought its standards had risen to match those of Australia .
28 Putnam and Buchsbaurn instructed the controls to create three to four imaginary personalities to match those of the MPD subjects , whom the controls had observed on videotape .
29 It seems that adults who provide optimal conversational support for language learning are those who are sensitive to the child 's conversational needs and are able constantly to adjust their own contributions to match those of the child ( Wells 1981 ; Wood 1988 ) .
30 Despite rare incidents such as the ‘ Sheffield outrages ’ of 1866 there were no riots or upheavals to match those of the 1830s and 40s .
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