Example sentences of "[to-vb] me out " in BNC.

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1 Do n't bother to see me out . ’
2 ‘ Do n't bother to see me out . ’
3 Any road , you 'll have to carry me out of here feet first , I reckon . "
4 ‘ And he it was who summoned the Court sorcerers to drive me out .
5 " You helped stop me getting the directorship , now you want to drive me out of the Lab . "
6 The feeling sent the adrenalin rushing around so fast that it threatened to wear me out before I got to my destination .
7 Skipper Kim Barnett tells me : ‘ There was a time when the opposition used to like me out of the way quickly because I had a reputation for getting after the bowling .
8 What I do worry about is that one day , somebody 's going to find me out .
9 ‘ Are you trying to write me out of your life ? ’
10 He saw how crafty their question was , and said , ‘ Why are you trying to catch me out ?
11 The Corporal fired questions at me , all the time trying to catch me out .
12 You tried to catch me out there did n't you ?
13 Trying to catch me out again !
14 if you have to pull me out of the rubble
15 So I came out immediately , as I did not want him to pull me out .
16 We tried one yesterday in and Vicki had to pull me out did n't you ?
17 He has to pull me out .
18 ‘ So you are coming to sort me out ?
19 ‘ I think it is lovely — very perfect , ’ and he took my hand to lead me out , rattling off some Arabic which was too fast for me to catch but not too fast for the friends with him .
20 All right , we 'll give it another day or two , but I 'm seeing you back home now , and do n't try to talk me out of it .
21 Then she tried to talk me out of leaving — laid on the flattery with a trowel . ’
22 You usually do your darnedest to talk me out of getting involved in this sort of thing . ’
23 ‘ Well , do n't think you 're going to talk me out of having it out with her .
24 This is a highly competitive field and I did n't want them to rule me out when it comes to promotion because they think I lack commitment .
25 I was sharing a place with Bobby ( Jacky ) Lee and Ted Halsall in the Portland Hotel , and they had to help me out of bed when the bell rang .
26 One woman in particular went out of her way to help me out .
27 He wrote them to help me out , like .
28 When Jancey asked him to help me out , he thought it was just a neighbour under threat .
29 I called on a conveniently passing traffic warden to help me out .
30 Ring them up and say ‘ I hope you do n't mind me messing you about like this but I 've been thinking over your kind offer , and I realize I could fit it in after all because of a sudden change of circumstances at home and my mother 's coming down to help me out — oh , and if there 's a spare ticket — ’
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