Example sentences of "[to-vb] so [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If anything , he was a little nervous about his ability to sustain so demanding a role for fifty-two weeks .
2 He will be far more explicit , since he is free of the legal shackles which cause many reports to appear so emasculated .
3 The fact that it all seems to come so pat : on top of the row with Viola , just after the publication of the book , just when the second book was going to bring her a lot of money .
4 He found our monastic rule hard to bear so spent every second he could in the library . ’
5 As an apparently domestic residence it seems strange that it replaced a timber structure which has been interpreted as a temple , although time elapsed between the latter 's destruction and the building of the house ; it is unusual to find so deliberate a secularization of a religious site in the Roman world .
6 There has been an increasing trend also for forestry workers to live in towns and be transported to work so creating further rural depopulation .
7 If Berowne had thought in these terms , then this was an incongruous place in which to receive so honoured a visitation .
8 The right CHEMICAL is applied with the correct EQUIPMENT at the optimum TEMPERATURE with TIME to function so reducing physical WORK
9 Lots to cover so lets start and let starts with er , having it done to you , would you say that you 've ever been a victim of crime ? , button one for yes , button two for no , have you been a victim of crime ?
10 To her astonishment he was smiling as he said , ‘ No need to look so unwelcoming .
11 Three major weaknesses of the paper are its lack of clarity , its lack of detail and the many opportunities it offers to those who hold information that should be made public , to use various loopholes to avoid so doing .
12 Lab work , for example , was a matter of getting the ‘ right ’ answer ; failure to do so resulted in loss of marks .
13 Maria shivered and , moving closer to Luke to make room for the couple , she touched his wrist lightly with her fingers , unsure if the impulse to do so sprang from an urge to seek reassurance , or to give it .
14 Of all the Soviet nationalities , the Baltic nations looked the most likely to establish ( or as they saw it , resume ) their independent statehood in the 1990s ; their opportunity to do so came soon after the attempted coup when ( in September 1991 ) the USSR Council of State formally approved their independent status and they were admitted into the United Nations and other international organisations .
15 I ask it to do so to enable the Bill to be revived in the form —
16 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
17 The firm can adjust subsequent managerial salaries to reflect overconsumption of non-salary perquisites , or at least can attempt to do so based on the information available .
18 Those who wished to do so gathered to share in the fellowship of a symbolic meal — a piece of dry bread and a cup of water .
19 There are other ways to access this world , but utilising sexuality is the way I discovered we could — perhaps — manage to do so using the human nervous system .
20 He suggests that their role is to signal rotations of the animal , and to do so using a co-ordinate system that is compatible with the other main organ for signalling rotations of the head , namely the semicircular canals , which are sensitive to angular accelerations .
21 It also serves to reinforce the idea that if accounting is to reflect economic reality it is unlikely to be able to do so using only one cost/value measure .
22 But since 1945 , the only Attorneys-General to do so became Lord Chancellors which , being an appointment to political office , is distinguishable ; and only two Solicitors-General became judges .
23 The very fact that he felt impelled to do so told its own story .
24 There is no compulsive power in this amendment , nor will supporting legislation contain any obligation on those who do not wish to do so to use the mechanism it will set up .
25 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
26 Their willingness to do so indicated a strong desire to participate in training .
27 Once we were appointed and established , our immediate and inescapable responsibility was to design and teach courses that would enable students of English who wished to do so to take those examinations in Modern English Language , and to pass them .
28 The perfectionist who announces ‘ I avoid nothing because of anxiety ’ is again fooling him/herself as they strive to do everything perfectly all the time , because not to do so creates anxiety .
29 Most important is support for IBM 3270 terminals , the first of the ‘ open ’ TP systems to do so according to NCR .
30 In doing so it attempts to limit the effects of the imbalance to the most superficial levels — in other words , the physical level — and only if it fails to do so will emotional imbalances , or if the stresses go deeper , mental imbalances , be manifest .
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