Example sentences of "[to-vb] that his " in BNC.

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1 His only ‘ power ’ was to request that his name be removed from the story .
2 For the starvelings it had to suffice that His Munificent Highness personally attached the greatest importance to their fate , which was a very special kind of attachment , of an order higher than the highest .
3 At 29 , the head Raider does not appear to accept that his best years are behind him , bad news perhaps for Jonathan Davies , for whom the press conference provided a first glimpse of a man whose reputation travels before him .
4 It was Rosa Luxemburg , with the strong support of the German leadership , who defended the position of the German Social Democrats in the name of internationalism , urging the Polish worker in Prussia ‘ to give up national utopias and to accept that his national interests are best taken care of by Social Democracy , and not by taking up a separate position as a Pole in the wake of nationalist parties ’ .
5 After being seen daily for 3 days David started to accept that his wife was not going to return home .
6 Anglican Bishop Hugh Montefiore is less keen to accept that his church is losing influence .
7 Carter himself , however , has been reluctant to accept that his record in dealing with congress was particularly bad .
8 In fact , Darwin converted the scientific world to evolutionism despite an almost universal refusal to accept that his theory of natural selection offered an adequate explanation of how the process works .
9 When all hope had gone , he seemed to accept that his death was certain , and he became calm and quiet .
10 MICHAEL Heseltine , the new Secretary of State for Trade & Industry may be interested to know that his powerful exhortations last week to vote Tory were unsuccessful with his daughter Annabel .
11 It is reassuring to know that his duties will include responsibility for the BBC , for as George Walden argues on this page , it was he who rescued the Broadcasting Bill after the last Thatcher government made such a hash of television deregulation .
12 Stalin was not to know that his criteria would exclude many nations that were subsequently to emerge ( for example , Pakistan , without a common language or territory , but with a common religion ) , and force some groups into being nations ( the most notorious example being the black American population ) .
13 The weather was beautiful and those who were fortunate to know that his special was operating and were able to be somewhere along the route were fortunate to share a most attractive experience .
14 He tells sister that he is relieved to know that his illness is treatable but is not sure how to change his lifestyle .
15 Patrick did n't need to be a doctor to know that his mother was drinking herself into an early grave .
16 I do n't know if it would be much consolation to someone being made into spaghetti in a black hole to know that his particles might survive .
17 Nor might it be much consolation to him , as he ran into the singularity in real time , to know that his particles will survive in imaginary time .
18 It was at least gratifying to know that his initial dislike of the young man had been justified .
19 After he had hit , Silva chased up the hill to establish that his ball had stuck fast to the putting surface .
20 ( A headteacher friend was aghast to discover that his infant child had spent a fortnight rehearsing to be a road ! )
21 The composer Henri Sauguet was astonished to discover that his cat , Cody , became ecstatic when it heard Debussy being played on the piano .
22 It 'll Be All Right on the Night host Dennis Norden searched for his cordless telephone , only to discover that his pet dog had buried it in the garden of his London home .
23 The Gospel of John tells of the royal officer who returns home to discover that his son has recovered : ‘ The father noted [ knew ] that this was the exact time when Jesus had said to him , ‘ Your son will live ’ , and he and all his household became believers . ’
24 Tinnion is appalled to discover that his old friend proposes to throw in his lot with the Nazis .
25 When told that his two years at sea did not count , he resignedly attended his medical only to discover that his hearing was impaired and he was declared unfit for military service .
26 Physically she had to admit he still turned her on and probably always would , but , having found out just how irritating he could be to live with she was furious to discover that his sex appeal was far too potent a force for her feelings to be seriously affected , no matter how cross with him she felt at the moment .
27 RICHARD Wallace , the British Lions ' replacement wing for the injured Ian Hunter , learned about his emergency call-up in a Moscow bar called Rosie O'Grady 's — a great place for an Irishman to discover that his summer plans were cancelled .
28 Arriving back , as he did from his holidays , to discover that his honourable companions had n't given him a second to call his own , he took umbrage ( somewhere near Troy )
29 Despite his apparent desire , matching the sudden irrational flaring of her own treacherous libido , he still suspected her of having designs on the family fortune , and she would n't be at all surprised to discover that his attempt to kiss her just now had been a sort of test .
30 It was frustrating to discover that his nearness could make her feel so vulnerable .
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