Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [be] " in BNC.

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1 They a they er they 're not going to know that are they ?
2 The double header was rather more expensive and had seats to spare that were partly filled by a late special offer .
3 It is tempting to speculate that were it not for the onset of the protracted illness in February 1858 Which led to his death in September 1859 , his influence might have produced a very different outcome to the competition .
4 There 's little evidence to suggest that being delivered by Caesarean section is any more harmful to the baby than a natural birth .
5 It is quite common for the husband to assume that being the ‘ bread-winner ’ is his main or only contribution to family life .
6 Oh you 're going to use that are you ?
7 It is strange to consider that were it not for the intervention of Conservative industrialists , the proposals in this Bill could have been far worse .
8 And what kind of attitudes can you learn to adopt that are likely to make this possible ?
9 The injury w£flared up again at the end of the year , but at least gave him a brief respite to demonstrate that being 40 was not a barrier likely to hold him back .
10 It stands to reason that were young people truly creative the culture would fall apart , for originality is by definition different from what is given , and what is given is the culture itself .
11 I am often asked what skills children have to learn that are specifically drama skills .
12 I think we 've got aesthetics to offer that are n't around in contemporary music .
13 It is worrying that after all this time Labour appears to think that being in opposition means solely that one must oppose everything .
14 Her mistake had been to think that being a part-owner of a property might change him .
15 There 's possibly , oh I do n't know , there 's probably five that have got say punctures or fanbelts gone , or erm service items which we have to say that are not covered , but that 's a ball park figure .
16 We need to be able to show that being explicit about sex is not inherently bad or damaging , that the pornographic view of sex is not the only one .
17 One of the event organisers , George Sproule , said : ‘ The idea behind the fun day is to show that being part of the church is not limited to once a week on Sunday . ’
18 Abuse , suggestions of courses of action for me to follow that are physically and technologically impossible were much to the fore .
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