Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Access to files sometimes leads people to worry that they will be sued if the record contains unprovable statements .
2 She often seemed to worry that they would appear strange to me and out of key with the age .
3 and not have to worry that they 're er gon na be a problem for mum
4 To worry that your brother might make an unfortunate marriage when at any moment he might be killed was something she found difficult to understand .
5 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
6 because you did n't have to worry that you were gon na have another child !
7 Some institutions , such as Mitsubishi Bank , are doing well to worry that it might .
8 I know that if I suddenly start feeling pains anywhere in my body , I do n't have to worry that it is the side effects of drugs , as , regrettably , some athletes do .
9 In this day and age when we are bombarded with books on climbing , it is strange to relate that there is no modern comprehensive history of mountaineering .
10 This is to request that you will send me no more goods unless ordered .
11 His only ‘ power ’ was to request that his name be removed from the story .
12 The first move will be to alert all my known contacts , to request that I be held incommunicado if I approach any of them … ’
13 For the starvelings it had to suffice that His Munificent Highness personally attached the greatest importance to their fate , which was a very special kind of attachment , of an order higher than the highest .
14 The landowners ' letters to the Home Secretary revealed the extent to which they were initially unable to accept that their labourers were more than usually discontented ; according to the more alarmist gentry , ‘ travelling incendiaries respectably attired ’ were racing round the area in fast carriages , firing incendiary pellets from slings or crossbows into haystacks .
15 In Natal — home of the current Currie Cup champions — rugby followers are desperate for the game 's authorities to accept that their game has slipped behind the times .
16 Respect and tolerance for differences and the humility to accept that their way may be better are good common-sense guidelines .
17 Yet even in these cases the situation could be an awkward one : senior partners needed both credibility and backing from the head ; they also needed tact and skill in the development enterprise , and such attributes are not an automatic concomitant of experience ; and client teachers needed to be able to accept that their practice needed such attention .
18 He was n't prepared to accept that their boss would deliberately sabotage her work .
19 He said : ‘ I 'm not prepared to accept that their decision is carved out in tablets of stone .
20 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
21 Are you willing to take responsibility for your life , to accept that we create our own reality ?
22 But I ask you to accept that we are all human and that sometimes we make mistakes .
23 As women , we need to accept that we can be fierce , cunning and predatory before we can start to use these energies in a constructive way .
24 If we want the situation to be as realistic as possible , we have to accept that we can not control all the variables , and can therefore never be sure that the cause and effect relationships we identify are , in fact , correct .
25 But proving the necessity of crime requires more than showing that some things that were formerly criminal are now important parts of healthy social life ( even if we were to accept that we can objectively determine what constitutes healthy social life ) .
26 And you know if we were able to commit ourselves to two public , two meetings , three meetings of some sort in a year where we 're actually gon na do something and present some sort of front Par part of presenting some sort of front is to try to sell a few bits of pieces if we 're prepared to accept that we 're going to lose money .
27 To have a concept of error is to accept that we can be in error on a given occasion even though we do not believe we are , and hence that we can be corrected by others .
28 If we are to proceed in our quest or to search our land we have to accept that we are unlikely to do so , unless we accept some measure of control ourselves .
29 Erm that the time has now come to accept that we do have to do the same things and it has to be in black and white and it has to be E E C wide .
30 We would do better to accept that we can not say precisely how much of the book dates from this last stage , although there were , no doubt , changes of various kinds , including deletions .
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