Example sentences of "[to-vb] to any " in BNC.

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1 If you would like to write to any of them , please send a letter c/o BROWNIE magazine and we will pass it on for you .
2 I 'M 17 , a little bit sad , female student from Prague ( Czechoslovakia ) - I would like to write to any male or female , aged 17-20 .
3 Feel free to come to any of these groups .
4 Feel free to come to any of these groups .
5 Feel free to come to any of these groups .
6 Feel free to come to any of these groups .
7 Feel free to come to any of these groups .
8 The data are too few to come to any definite conclusions , but what is available will be referred to briefly here , and reference should be made to the appendix for the background detail .
9 Haydon failed to come to any agreement with his creditors .
10 Liza , apathetic and unable to come to any decision over the baby 's name , allowed Harriet to choose Celia , having said it would have been her and Tom 's choice had they produced a second daughter .
11 We began the year with the Department of the Environment withdrawing the Comber-Dundonald portion of the track-bed from the market and refusing to come to any form of agreement with the Trust regarding the future of this portion of the line .
12 It is not possible , however , to come to any conclusion about the usefulness of testing and inspection ( outsider evaluations ) without considering what is possible for schools to do themselves ( Becher et al , 1979 , go on to consider the merits of school-based approaches ) .
13 However , for the reasons that I have explained , there is no need for this court to come to any conclusion one way or the other on that matter .
14 It would be unwise to come to any firm conclusion , remembering that the majority of those we know about are amongst the sandhills which are constantly being eroded by the winds which expose them , that the eastern part of the island down to Kildalton is largely deer forest which is rarely visited except by stalkers , that there are probably many more cists to be discovered .
15 10–12 After consideration it was unanimously agreed that the Session see no cause to come to any findings upon the report meantime .
16 In the next five years ( 1928–32 ) the crude death-rate of the transferred population increased from 18.75 to 26.71 per 1,000 , and by way of explanation M'Gonigle and Kirby observe : ‘ It is difficult to come to any other conclusion than that the increased mortality was associated with the dietary deficiencies ’ ( M'Gonigle and Kirby , 1936 , p. 129 ) .
17 Certainly women 's mortality rates have improved significantly faster than those for men ( Table 3 ) , but it is difficult to come to any general conclusions about health status for the period 1870–1950 , particularly in respect to working class women .
18 to come to any harm with that .
19 A phone call will always be made to confirm that you would still be willing to come to any particular meeting .
20 Individuals , denied a common conception of their own and their fellows ' human goals within a shared moral tradition , are unlikely to be able to come to any agreement with others or to articulate their desire for fulfilment on the basis of procedural rules alone .
21 The relatively small proportion ( 5% ) of such theses made it difficult to come to any statistically valid conclusions about the differences in use between Ph D and M Sc theses .
22 Because it seems to me , many of them actually require a site specific evaluation or an area specific evaluation in quite detailed terms to be able to come to any sensible conclusion .
23 Although warming has been detected over the last few decades , scientists claim that not enough is known about the natural temperature variations of the region to be able to come to any conclusions .
24 However , the two parties failed to come to any agreement over plans for the construction of autoroute A16 , linking Boulogne with Amiens .
25 Miss were you able to come to any view as to whether the call was genuine , from what you heard ?
26 and are , are employing and paying people to work them but they do n't ever seem to come to any let's say reportable conclusion about the cost of operations .
27 The incomplete , sluggish and/or mistaken adjustments to changing economic signals that can be found in the Keynesian and monetarist short-run situations are removed from the new classical world by economic agents ' incentives and their ability to use full information to adjust to any new configuration of nominal variables as rapidly as possible .
28 In 1983 , observations from the IRAS infra-red satellite showed that it is associated with cool material which might be interpreted as a planetary system , though it would be most unwise to jump to any conclusions .
29 She was not going to jump to any more dubious conclusions .
30 The impartial observation able to be made is that , in both cases , it is a question of where the clubs go from here and too early to jump to any conclusions .
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