Example sentences of "[to-vb] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 By March 1944 Hickson , as Secretary to the Cambridge Board which was then reviewing its future organisation for the post-war period , was sufficiently assured to write of the Rural Areas Committee :
2 Against critics who had accused him of choosing to write of the sea and lonely islands in order to have greater freedom for his imagination , he protested that his own youth had worn ‘ the sober hue of hard work and exacting calls of duty , things which in themselves are not much charged with a feeling of romance ’ and that if he had any ‘ romantic feeling of reality ’ it was disciplined by ‘ a recognition of the hard facts of existence shared with the rest of mankind ’ , a recognition which , he believed , tried to make the best of the hard truth and to discover in it ‘ a certain aspect of beauty ’ .
3 It was Metzinger who , in his Note sur la Peinture of 1910 , was the first to write of the fact that Picasso and Braque had dismissed traditional perspective and felt free to move around their subjects , studying them from various points of view .
4 The son of Caerleon is a progressive type , apparently certain to come of a few pounds for that introduction , and should be good enough to take the Queen 's Own Yorkshire Dragoons Stakes .
5 By the law of primitive socialist accumulation we mean the entire sum of conscious and semi-spontaneous tendencies in the state economy which are directed towards the expansion and consolidation of the collective organisation of labour in Soviet economy and which are dictated to the Soviet state on the basis of necessity : ( 1 ) the determination of proportions in the distribution of productive forces , formed on the basis of struggle against the law of value inside and outside the country and having as their objective task the achievement of the optimum expanded socialist reproduction in the given conditions and of the maximum defensive capacity of the whole system in conflict with capitalist commodity production ; ( 2 ) the determination of the proportions of accumulation of material resources for expanded reproduction , especially at the expense of private economy , in so far as the determined amounts of the accumulation are dictated compulsorily to the Soviet state under threat of economic disproportion , growth of private capital , weakening of the bond between the state economy and peasant production , derangement in years to come of the necessary proportions of expanded socialist reproduction and weakening of the whole system in its conflict with capitalist commodity production inside and outside the country .
6 One couched in the form of an account of the sale of the deceased 's effects says , ‘ Of Mr Marshall for the fine of the yeares to come of the lease of the house ’
7 I used to smell of the old cows .
8 Although there had been a long established tradition of community and private forestry schemes , it was not until the launching of the Saemol Undong ( or New Community Movement ) in 1970 that it was possible to conceive of a nation-wide forestry policy and programme .
9 However , we will find it of much more use in the context here to conceive of a knowledge worker as someone who actually adds value to the message itself , and not just to the message 's package , by processes of analysis , judgement , and higher-level decision making .
10 It is virtually impossible to conceive of a Type II system operating successfully with cash-limited Health Authorities .
11 The advent of the new political regime changed this ; for the first time it was possible to conceive of a legal order which rested on a basis different from that of the civil law .
12 It is difficult to conceive of a surgical technique that would allow implantation and removal , with equal rapidity , in a blood contact situation .
13 It is at least equally easy to conceive of a divide between Labour ( 35 per cent ) and anti-Labour ( the rest ) .
14 It may be that this relexicalized version has not been actually attested and , may never occur in the future but it acquires normality because it is relatively easy to conceive of a context for it .
15 However , I have argued that Mannheim 's sociology of knowledge is based on a social conception of human being ; he is extremely careful not to reduce thought to individual minds and not to conceive of a group ‘ mind ’ based on the prior conception of individual mind ( Mannheim 1936 : 2 , 44 ) .
16 None of them have the wherewithal to conceive of a Reconciliation .
17 Does it really make sense to conceive of a tutorial existing in isolation ?
18 At the same time he rightly argues that it is premature to conceive of a cycle of decentralization since that might ‘ presuppose the existence of one single major engine behind the process and suggest the possibility of the recurrence of a similar round of developments in the future ’ ( pp. 35–6 ) .
19 It seems that any attempt to conceive of a content of a mental event , separately from its inherent subject , is in a way futile .
20 This immigration was so great , that it is difficult to conceive of a ‘ Northumbrian ’ culture , other than as a middle-class construct .
21 But is it so easy to conceive of a pain which is not hurting you ?
22 And in fact , if the argument above is sound , to conceive of a knee other than yours hurting in the way in which yours hurts is to conceive of it as hurting you .
23 Is it beyond imagination , in these days of biological engineering , to conceive of a time when embryos will be implanted in a man 's body , and develop , and be born — perhaps by caesarian section ?
24 I find it difficult to conceive of a situation where it would be a proper exercise of the jurisdiction to make an order positively requiring a doctor to adopt a particular course of treatment in relation to a child , unless the doctor himself or herself were asking the court to make such an order .
25 I find it equally difficult to conceive of a case where the court , faced with this problem and applying the approach I have indicated above , would authorise an abortion against the wishes of a mentally competent 16-year-old .
26 Whilst it is not possible to conceive of a designing system which can take into account influences which are beyond the designer 's knowledge and comprehension , it is possible to generate a fundamental design procedure in which all relationships , known to the designer , are " captured " and tested for .
27 It is virtually impossible to conceive of a Type 11 system operating with cash-limited health authorities .
28 Following this judgment , it now seems almost impossible to conceive of a clause preventing set-off which fell within the ambit of s 3 ( ie either in a consumer contract , or in written standard conditions ) which would be both commercially practical and legally enforceable .
29 The range of essentially economic issues revealed by the ensuing debate was such that it was almost impossible to conceive of the solution being affected by either brigade or club .
30 Since it was of relatively minor importance to whom the words for setting up a trust were addressed , it was possible to conceive of the trust as inhering in certain property in the estate , and therefore of the recipient of that property as automatically in the position of trustee for the intended beneficiary .
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