Example sentences of "[to-vb] but could " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He tried to communicate but could n't find the language , ’ Richard says .
2 The duties of the post are difficult to define but could be described as Keeper of the King 's household , Administrator of the Royal Affairs , and Keeper of the Privy Purse .
3 People rushed to help but could not reach the dead couple .
4 Soldiers and police tried to help but could n't save the singers .
5 Corbett tried to sleep but could not and sat trembling , trying to compose his thoughts but it was useless , he could not calm himself .
6 This fuel is more expensive to manufacture but could compete in the domestic market where there is a shortage of anthracite .
7 Significantly , some of the other alleged benefits were flatly contradicted by the employer ; others were found to exist but could not be confirmed in precise financial terms .
8 There were also many years of frustration in my youth when the business was very small and I was bubbling with ideas , bubbling with energy and desperate to get things to happen but could n't in the very dull environment of the 1950s and early 1960s .
9 I tried to return but could n't because of continuing transport restrictions .
10 That said , we have seen so many people in recent months who wanted to move but could not do so until they knew what was going to happen to their take-home income . ’
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