Example sentences of "[to-vb] that for " in BNC.

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1 It had been a shock to discover that for the first five years they went to homes in the country where women were paid to nurse them , and it seemed to put a stop to any hope of seeing Angel again .
2 ‘ Matthew , I 'm trying to be very understanding and modern about this , but I want you to realize that for women of my generation , it 's difficult to accept the prevailing mores . ’
3 Around the same proportion of the population , according to the same surveys , never thought of giving up the struggle to the end — or recovered from such defeatist notions — and it is fair to presume that for them Hitler remained the symbol of continued hope and determination .
4 The subtitle is An Allegorical Apology for Christianity , Reason and Romanticism , and it is important to remember that for Lewis the three things went together .
5 It is necessary , therefore , to remember that for most of the century this admiration was not felt by most foreigners .
6 And then again if agonisings about modern are seem to take us in one direction , the banning of books as reminded us , takes us in quite another , and we have to remember that for all practical purposes it was indeed a banned book for nearly fifteen years , from the Twenties into the Thirties .
7 Evelyn and the others are , indeed , with greater or lesser urgency and awareness , immobile in desperation , but I want to suggest that for Joyce it is not the dispassionate artist 's gaze which alone allows that strange steadiness commentators have called and even tone .
8 The second , which has only one complete sentence out of six units bounded by full stops , very clearly does make sense ( at least it seems fair to predict that for most people it will ) .
9 Yet looking at many young people today , the targets of communication channels unknown to their grandparents , it is hard to believe that for all his showmanship McLuhan was entirely wrong .
10 ( 3 ) A requirement under this section to provide a specimen of blood or urine can only be made at a police station or at a hospital ; and it can not be made at a police station unless — ( a ) the constable making the requirement has reasonable cause to believe that for medical reasons a specimen of breath can not be provided or should not be required , or ( b ) at the time the requirement is made a device or a reliable device of the type mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) ( a ) above is not available at the police station or it is then for any other reason not practicable to use such a device there , or ( c ) the suspected offence is one under section 4 of this Act and the constable making the requirement has been advised by a medical practitioner that the condition of the person required to provide the specimen might be due to some drug ; but may then be made notwithstanding that the person required to provide the specimen has already provided or been required to provide two specimens of breath .
11 Yet in the excitement of becoming a parent it is easy to forget that for some the impact can be not so dissimilar from that caused by the discovery of a rival lover .
12 Listeners have to recognize that for them , too , communication is an active process , requiring them to relate the utterance to the context obtaining and to signal any inadequacy or comprehension failure when it occurs .
13 We are saddened to learn that for some people , the conference failed to develop strategies for action .
14 To think that for all these years I had tried to protect them from this very fate and I had n't even the pleasure of using them very often .
15 To say that for destruction ice is also great And would suffice .
16 It is equally true to say that for many applications open-loop control is entirely adequate , and to opt for a closed-loop system would be an expensive luxury .
17 It is by no means an exaggeration to say that for many years worked conscientiously behind the scenes in the shadow of five successive transport managers who relied heavily on her efficient and accurate administration skills .
18 I mean we 're all , I 'm sure , basically family with what Darwin 's theory of evolution is , and I do n't really want to labour you by reminding you of it , but I think it 's important to appreciate first of all what his problem was erm and I think that it 's fair to say that for Darwin the problem was that as a naturalist he was aware of the fact that animals and plants are adapted to a quite extraordinary degree to their particular ways of life , and indeed many of his books on orchids and earthworms and so on have a great deal to say about the details of these adaptations .
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