Example sentences of "[to-vb] that i " in BNC.

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1 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
2 The first move will be to alert all my known contacts , to request that I be held incommunicado if I approach any of them … ’
3 Sooner or later I would have to accept that I needed to look elsewhere .
4 One problem of the past year has been the length of time it has taken me to accept that I need to work in the bookshop most of the time even though I know this work has to be done and though I enjoy it ( most of the time ) .
5 I listened to others ' crises but did n't want to accept that I was in the middle of my own .
6 How very difficult it was to accept that I did need it and to show that I needed it .
7 Right , I was subject to a , an assault that was quite frightening erm in that I was working in a shop on my own and er someone came into the shop and locked the door behind me and tried er to pull me down towards the back of the shop and er apart from being very frightened I find it difficult to accept that I was just an innocent victim , I kept making excuses that this person who did it to me did n't mean to frighten me he , only could n't communicate that he , he , he said it eventually when I managed to fight him off he said , I just wanted to give you a kiss and er I find it very difficult and I had to be forced to go to the police erm to tell them about this because I thought you know its just a misunderstanding and , but it was terrifying
8 Nobody seemed to accept that I 'd been in charge of my own body and my own medication for the best part of my life ; they seemed to think that was a very strange idea .
9 ‘ You 'll just have to accept that I am not like other girls , ’ she said lightly .
10 I 'm asking you to accept that I 've got reasons , and not to ask me what they are .
11 I can ask you to accept that I should n't have come to you like this if I did not believe that the matter may turn out to be very grave indeed .
12 You 've been very good , and I wish I could explain things , but I must ask you to accept that I ca n't .
13 You refuse to accept that I knew nothing about the drugs .
14 If I come to you at three months with a P T A tumour , that 's grade one or two , how long would you be er willing to accept that I should have a recurrence before you treat it ?
15 Well I 'll have to accept that I do n't know where that came from but I 've got down here state 's interest
16 If it 's too painful for her to accept that I want to look for Elaine , then I sha n't . ’
17 ‘ Why is it so hard to accept that I could feel all that too ? ’
18 Neither was I to know that I should indeed one fine day have a son who would make me very proud of him at the ‘ Other Place ’ , but that it would be from green eyes that the light of intelligence and wit would shine .
19 You might like to know that I have recently been in touch with a Mme Francine Roussel ( University of Nancy II , 23 Blvd Albert 1e , Nancy 54000 ) who is just completing a survey review of concordancers .
20 Alice Conway almost jumped back into her kitchen as her daughter swung round now and yelled at her , ‘ It may surprise you to know that I was thinking about you and Father and this house , and the business downstairs .
21 On 14 October Coleridge wrote abstractedly to John Thelwall that , ‘ I should much wish , like the Indian Vishna , to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos , & wake once in a million years for a few minutes — just to know that I was going to sleep a million years more . ’
22 To know that I , as a person , am thoroughly good , intelligent and desirable , and that being so it is only logical that I should love myself passionately and unconditionally is quite a leap .
23 Dear Rosemary , ‘ I thought you would like to know that I 'm still following your diet ( almost anyway and I have never felt better for years .
24 It was such a relief to know that I was n't the only one !
25 , I just want you to know that I shall never change , but I also want you to allow me to come home now and again for a few days .
26 And he finds a little space to make conscious points : ‘ I want you to know that I 'm a skinhead now . ’
27 Among the many ‘ thank-you ’ letters I wrote , I sent one to Alan Shell of the Humanist Association , who replied , ‘ We are very glad our letter was of help to you and you will be interested to know that I propose to send copies of your letter , with your name deleted , to our funeral officiants in the hope that they will take courage from it and help any others who might be in similar difficulties . ’
28 It may be a consolation for them to know that I 've been at the receiving end myself .
29 In recent years , it 's been nice to know that I could decide to take my wife Lizzie on Concorde and not have to ask permission from the bank manager , but I 've never really gone in for extravagances — they all add up to too many paper rounds .
30 It is , of course , no consolation for you to know that I am in an equally awkward situation . ’
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