Example sentences of "[to-vb] he her " in BNC.

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1 She had already fallen in love with him , her whole heart had been surrendered , but he could never know that because he would have such power over her that she would never be able to deny him her body .
2 She was more than willing — since Nuri was handsome as well as rich — to extend him her embraces ; but enter his harem ?
3 Perhaps she only meant she did n't want to give him her cold .
4 Rosalba would have twitched at such words , but Cati was so used to them , she only wavered because she was wondering how to give him her message , and she thought he was going to turn .
5 The caller was still on the line , Rain had to give him her attention .
6 ‘ You see , ’ she hissed , turning back to Steve to give him her full attention .
7 She began to feel a little differently , though when less than an hour later they entered Ven 's hotel suite and as she turned , about to give him her polite but none the less sincere thanks as they halted in the middle of the room , Ven looked down at her and got in first with , ‘ Are you tired ? ’
8 Mrs Scutt stopped squeaking ‘ Save the pieces , duck ! ’ to assure him her dressing was on real lovely , and all she now needed was her elastic bandage . ’
9 When she eventually rose to face him her smile was pure theatre .
10 She had religiously sought out the warrant officer chef every day to offer him her tail , and by the sixth day she had him purring like a kitten .
11 ( ‘ Watch it ! ’ he says ) , to offer him her left
12 She dropped the apron to show him her laughing , scarlet face , tears of amusement in her eyes .
13 SECOND-HAND dealer Kenneth Bruce told a court yesterday how an 80-year-old woman willingly opened cupboards and drawers to show him her possessions .
14 Tom was his grandmother 's only grandchild and one day , when he was fifteen and staying at her house in Rickmansworth in order to have access to the piano , she told him she was going to make him her heir .
15 Ruth began to tell him her dream of Fand , the Drowned Forest , and the Isle of Fincara under the sea .
16 When she reached her own room , she had decided never to tell him her great secret .
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