Example sentences of "[to-vb] on it " in BNC.

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1 I saw him move the mat so it should be on a slippery bit and then sort of pretend to slip on it , and then start to shout . ’
2 In fact probably you 'd move more cos he says yo your instinct is take your feet off I think your instinct would be to jump on it all the harder .
3 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
4 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
5 And he did , up to the hilt , as soon as it was clear to him that Vincent had chosen his life 's work and intended to concentrate on it enthusiastically , against all the odds .
6 It is at the level of explanation that the sexism of sociolinguistics is most blatantly on display , and I want to concentrate on it in the remainder of this section .
7 The mental strain of trying to concentrate on it with small children is considerable , and so is the physical strain of getting it all home .
8 I know that if you are going to be really good at sport you have to concentrate on it completely and give up all your spare time and energy to it .
9 But to enable him to concentrate on it , the government services that arose one after the other in the nineteenth century ( forestry , irrigation , the archaeological survey , public health and sani-tation , roads ) were organized outside the administrative structure , and had virtually no contact with the district officer .
10 It will affect Alec Stewart 's batting eventually if he keeps wicket regularly and has to concentrate on it . ’
11 That is a wholly different argument and it is therefore important to concentrate on it .
12 Dreamily he tried to concentrate on it , to classify it , but it defied his effort .
13 Wiping the board clean , she began to write on it in bold letters something that would be comprehensible only to herself and Miss Harker : PLEASE HELP ME
14 You can certainly have a read but please resist the temptation to write on it .
15 It 's it 's too fiddly to , you know I 'd be wanting to write on it so .
16 Well , to write on it , because it , you 'll have some on one
17 The distinction between public law and private law can , therefore , be used either to accord government special privileges , or to impose on it special responsibilities and duties and to subject it to special controls .
18 What 's the good of asking an idiot to comment on it ? ’
19 His attitude towards untouchability is related to the social implications of his quest for Truth and we shall have occasion to comment on it again in that connection .
20 But why do you choose to comment on it , even to yourself ?
21 That conflict of views has its fierce advocates on both sides , and I am neither well informed nor dispassionate enough to comment on it From the presumed perspective of John Howard , the Ellis-Beto administrations overall emerge with credit , because they did insist on the publication of official rules , and that was a big breakthrough .
22 According to the Wall Street Journal , IBM officials have not yet studied the resolution , and declined to comment on it , although they are expected to fight to ensure that it is not put before shareholders at the annual meeting .
23 then I think that we ought to comment on it but if we are doing media response
24 government policy , not to comment on it !
25 Well thank you for that Darren nice of you to comment on it .
26 That is a matter for the Secretary of State for Transport and I would not want to comment on it .
27 Where there is an oral hearing , written evidence submitted by the applicant must be considered but the tribunal may take account of any evidence of probative value from another source provided that the applicant is informed and allowed to comment on it .
28 I listened carefully to the hon. Gentleman 's remarks , the latter part of which related to a court case that has not yet been concluded , so it would be inappropriate and imprudent of me to comment on it now .
29 All that is the result of the Government 's funding policies , and an independent inspectorate has a right to comment on it .
30 For comparison , he asked the Head of Department to comment on it in terms of variety and amount .
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