Example sentences of "[to-vb] it more " in BNC.

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1 People wo n't be able to accept it more
2 Knowing his liking for old-fashioned , Puttrell-style thrutches , I pointed Stephane up it , and was n't at all surprised to find it more like E2 5b .
3 One further point of possible confusion : because venture capital from investors looking for capital gains is not available to co-operatives , they are likely to find it more difficult to raise the larger sums of money needed to start capital-intensive projects .
4 Emerged out of the clouds at the Fenêtre to find it more crowded than Blackpool beach .
5 You were able to find it more easily were n't you ?
6 We can improve our ability to understand our horse if we can gradually train ourselves to observe it more intently , and to see in what situations and in what context different sounds , movements , and behaviour are used .
7 We then left the tramway ( grid reference SH 822 113 ) , though I mean to explore it more fully on a future occasion , and turned right up a forest track past some quarry buildings .
8 For this reason , it will be useful to define it more closely here .
9 What we sought to do , in terms of Community competence , in the discussions was to extend it in areas where we thought it was appropriate and to define it more adequately than it has been defined in the past in order to prevent , as far as it is possible to prevent it , that element of creeping competence that so offends many people in this country .
10 I have , in part answered the question , ‘ why the body ? ’ and I hope to be able to answer it more fully by using a different approach .
11 However , it might be useful to admit the document as an aid to interpretation and publish it ( with appropriate amendments ) along with the Act or even to re-work it more fundamentally and present it as a formal preamble .
12 And whereas Picasso had been forced to reintroduce clues , small fragments of legibility , into his work to render it more accessible to the spectator , Braque , even at his most abstract , instinctively retained them as a link with reality .
13 The experience curve briefly mentioned in chapter 4 as the basis of the BCG matrix is soon invoked where cost leadership is the goal , and we now need to discuss it more fully .
14 Adults gradually come to recognize and forgive nameaphasia , probably as they come to experience it more and more themselves .
15 It is the shortening of a passage for general consumption , and aims to maintain the same information content , but to express it more economically .
16 We would be able to do it more easily if we could not only accurately assess the reading performance of individual children but also the readability of particular texts .
17 I was fighting my own terrors in public , but others wanted to do it more gently .
18 She wanted to do it more than anything in life .
19 We 'll certainly be urging them to do more , and we 'll be urging them to do it more efficiently , and we 'll be urging them to be much more accountable .
20 COMING soon , maybe : a triumph for the gods of chaos , lunacy and bad taste - or , to put it more plainly , a film version of John Kennedy Toole 's wonderfully funny cult novel , A Confederacy of Dunces .
21 To put it more brutally , there is no other sport in which the participants are so habitually semi-literate .
22 Second and equally important , as Fratter ( 1989 ) also asks , can parents release and mourn a child to whom they are attached or to put it more bluntly , can parents mourn a child that is not dead ?
23 This public impression thrives in a climate of secrecy , or , to put it more fairly , in a climate where there is a lack of information on the selection process , the selection criteria , the selection policy and the selection decisions .
24 The beginning of conversation with strangers is all about finding something in common — or , to put it more succinctly and to use a very 1990s ' word , to discover commonality .
25 To put it more simply , why should they bother ?
26 These abilities promote animals in our affections or , to put it more academically , are moral points in their favour .
27 These three approaches are usually called Realism , Pluralism , and Structuralism , or , to put it more graphically , the billiard-ball , cobweb , and layer-cake models .
28 But with those grown to man 's estate , I think he fails ; he failed with me , or to put it more correctly , I failed with him .
29 Secondly , it will go , in accordance with the voter 's intention , to his next-preference candidate , or to put it more accurately — since it can not go to a candidate already elected or eliminated — to his next available preference .
30 To put it more simply , I wanted to look at the reciprocal interaction between individuals and their immediate social world .
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