Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 A key objective is to make it easier for our Centres to communicate and do business with us .
2 Noises of such intensity may seriously affect the ability of cetaceans to communicate and echolocate , especially in cold polar waters where ice cover reflects much underwater noise back from the surface .
3 It should help us to communicate and spread experience , feelings , understandings and ideas and thus facilitate action .
4 We have yet to learn how to communicate and make decisions in an electronic environment .
5 Creating a technical structure that allows for a pan-authority electronic mail service is usually as problematic as building the trust and confidence that will allow staff to communicate and make decisions using such a system — let alone remember to log in each day .
6 Foreign language teachers might say that their students already know how to communicate and interact in their own language ; what they need in the foreign language are formal skills and knowledge — pronunciation , vocabulary , grammar — which will provide the basis for communicating and interacting .
7 There are other places she could go to , of course , but so many of them would be clubs in which she would be expected to communicate and contribute at a time when all she wants is occasionally simply to be ‘ with ’ people and to be able to depart when she wishes without giving offence or disturbing the gathering .
8 In such a time anyone who lacks the courage to be curious and questioning , the capacity to grow into new competencies , and the confidence to communicate and collaborate with others , is severely handicapped , and his or her educators are guilty of gross dereliction of duty .
9 The new culture will certainly require the forging of new alliances between education professionals and other groups , a redefinition of teacher roles and professional autonomy , a greater willingness to communicate and negotiate .
10 It is the possession of a common culture and the ability to communicate and pass it on to others that distinguishes the human being from other animals .
11 ‘ I 'll be staying with a number of Japanese families so will have to learn how to communicate and become less of a gaijin ( foreigner ) , ’ he says .
12 So behind every change , every innovation , every development project , there must be somebody with a vision who has been able to communicate and sell that vision to somebody else ( even when the change begins with an assignment , not a self-directed initiative ) .
13 Experience : the extent to which a practitioner is able to integrate her/his skills and knowledge in the assessment process , to communicate and liaise effectively with a wide range of individuals , to analyse and evaluate and reach a professional judgement about questions of need and risk , will be partly contingent on the professional confidence and sensitivity derived from experience .
14 Moreover , there seem to be all manner of missed opportunities to communicate and discuss proposals with teachers and headmasters .
15 Retix Inc , Santa Monica , California says it has developed an Open Systems Interconnection-compliant distributed transaction processing communications manager , which enables different transaction processing monitors to communicate and interoperate with each other .
16 As with any technique , direct mail has basic principles which must be obeyed if the programme is to communicate and raise money over a long period : * It must be regular ( a minimum of eight times a year ) * It must be personal , relevant and informal * It must be good quality * It must ask for and offer something * It must appeal to emotion first and reason second
17 Without a shared culture , members of society would be unable to communicate and cooperate , and confusion and disorder would result .
18 The most harmful effects are that groups develop competing or conflicting goals , and lose their ability to communicate and cooperate with one another ,
19 Careers in computing are for people with common sense , the ability to think clearly and logically , the capacity to adapt readily to change , and the skill to communicate and work closely with others .
20 Here is more than the chance to do a bit of direct selling or attract further commissions ; there should be the desire to communicate and work with others .
21 the ability to communicate and listen ;
22 Their bodies are streamlined for maximum efficiency in moving through water , and they have evolved a highly sophisticated sonar system to communicate and receive information through water and over long distances .
23 Discussions centred on one particular charter , the African Charter on Human and People 's Rights , which specifically mentions the right to communicate and receive information .
24 Discussions centred on one particular charter , the African Charter on Human and People 's Rights , which specifically mentions the right to communicate and receive information .
25 Christine McCracken , her teacher at St Bartholomew 's school in Haslemere , Surrey , said : ‘ She has a great hunger to communicate and understand . ’
26 It may be very hard to do so , but sharing feelings is important and helps us to communicate and understand one another .
27 There is an obvious need for a national network to be established which would publicise the families ' needs and allow prisoners ' partners to communicate and support each other .
28 Guinness has an arrangement with Carlton and United Breweries , a division of Fosters , to brew and distribute its beer products in Australia .
29 Guinness has an arrangement with Lion Nathan to brew and distribute Draught Guinness and to package Guinness Original in New Zealand .
30 During the heyday of the fair it was the right of every villager to brew and sell his own beer , and he advertised the fact by hanging a branch or piece of greenery over his door .
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