Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [subord] " in BNC.

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1 This is the kind of dreamy Hollywood fantasy I like to float in when I 'm lying flat on my back under some dirty platform desperately trying to tack a loose wire or stubborn piece of baize into position — or standing in a wet field trying to work out exactly how the VIPs will swim through the mud from the helicopter to the marquee .
2 We ought to go in before it starts to get cold . ’
3 It is better to go in when they are losing money than when they are making money ; then one has more muscle ’ .
4 She took a deep breath , was about to go in when she heard her name .
5 erm I wo n't be too unhappy , but the idea will be of course not t not to go in if you 're not gon na get it .
6 There 's a vet up there who 's volunteered to go in if needed .
7 Do you want two piece construction to go in as they 've done it , or just one trip in the end ?
8 They told me not to bother to go in until the contractions became regular .
9 Yeah , it 'll be better next though cos erm Carl wo n't be wanting to sit in cos , er Carl wo n't have a portable coloured T V next year .
10 As further evidence of her good nature : I joined my middle brother Niel , who had a fondness for playing at " hairdressers " , in persuading Laura to sit in as our client one wet afternoon and occupy the barber 's chair we had provided .
11 It 's actually not uncomfortable to sit in when you get used to it .
12 We need to leave them some to swim in before we catch them .
13 In a bare tank ( minimum size 10″ x 6″ x 6″ ) , suspend two spawning mops on pieces of cork or polystyrene and place a clump of Java Moss on the tank base for the female to hide in when she requires a respite from spawning .
14 Only one very quiet pub and no shop windows to smash in after they 've got drunk .
15 This made it an easy room to clean , no one would want to come in while she was working .
16 said to us last night about the next girl to come in after she 's arrived to read the register . ’
17 Yeah , but basically from , from that programme all , all the er , you can see all the resources were really being used all week and , but I had a problem when we came to do the bedrooms that er , you can there , we ran out of work for the decorators to do er removing this thing , once you 've removed and then I managed to squeeze in , but where the second decorator 's erm up to room twenty-three but rather than erm have just one gang than , and not , not using as many as the resources as we possibly could I let them gave the second gang a few rooms that they could actually squeeze in without interrupting I 've let them do up to room twenty-three and then and then basically the carpenting and they have to come in after everybody else has done what they Monday morning basically we just decided that we really needed more resources the earlier sequence of events to , to get so we were getting to so whether we 've been given
18 Then I heard a voice call me to come in so I turned the door knob and entered .
19 Mr wanted to come in before we agreed I think .
20 Typically of experienced teachers recognising the potential weakness of the whole venture ( it will in fact only succeed if the pupils are determined to make it succeed — not something one can often rely on ! ) , precautions were adopted such as warning them beforehand to mark out the route they take , and ( the final card up teacher 's sleeve as pupils start to get killed all over the place ) to come in as narrator saying , ‘ Suddenly , for no apparent reason , the danger passed and the members returned to safety ’ !
21 So what we 're going to do is to trail our coats in a variety of sessions , to suggest a variety of things to you , and see whether you agree with them or not so please feel free to come in as and when appropriate and see what you think .
22 saying oh we 've warned er not to come in because of the roadworks .
23 And it was always sort of open house and the nurses used to come in when they were off duty a lot .
24 Such investors tended to come in when stocks were exchanged rather than present themselves at the moment of initiation .
25 That 's right , it 's just that I worked , I think , yesterday I could n't get into erm , I just could n't get into and yesterday I must admit I felt really rough and erm , I thought at three o'clock I was going to have to ring Iris , cos I knew you were still out you see and at three o'clock I thought I was going to have to ring Iris er just to come in cos I ca n't like your head was my stomach was churning over , it was n't till , soon as I get some food in front of me oh I get , you see I did n't feel too cracking in the morning and I thought well there 's lots of stomach bugs going about and I thought well I 'm having one of them , and I did n't know what I fancied for lunch and I cooked the kiddies theirs , they had fish and what have you , and erm , I thought well what can I have , I thought I what , I thought I got a little tin of salmon there , so I thought right I 'll have a salmon sandwich and I had that and believe me I felt , by three o'clock I could see myself picking me up off the floor , I only got spots before my eyes as such , but , I just had , I had four , five cups of water , I did n't drink any tea , and I wish then , well I do n't know whether I could have felt any worse when I had the sandwich or not to be honest .
26 Ranulf and the escort were told to wait outside but the lay brother was asked to come in for he could , as Corbett put it , ‘ talk in the common language ’ .
27 They could n't get me to come in until every marshal 's flag on the circuit was flapping .
28 A geographical area to work in if that is appropriate and it does not interfere with existing house-to-house and street collections .
29 He said the vibe was perfect , a wonderful place to work in as it 's so free .
30 It is also not uncommon for hospitals to request a number of nurses from an agency without detailing the areas the nurses will be required to work in until they report for duty .
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