Example sentences of "[vb mod] do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To get talks with the ANC started , Mr de Klerk must do everything possible to free political prisoners and bring home refugees .
2 We must do everything with the utmost precision , and beauty of tone .
3 Sustainable use is the key idea behind any kind of progress and we must do everything we can to support this , both in terms of financial aid and consumer ethics .
4 This year has been the most difficult and disturbing of my 40-year reign , but it has brought home to me that I must do everything I can to continue to carry out that duty .
5 A very last thought is that we must do everything possible to answer our own prayers .
6 We must do everything we can to improve the selection decision making process ; inevitably this will mean moving away from relying on interviews .
7 This harsh reality means that we must do everything possible to limit our impact on the earth .
8 My hon. Friend rightly referred to our job as a guarantor power and , in that respect , we must do everything we can with the Turks , the Greeks and the Cypriots to help Secretary-General Perez De Cuellar to make some progress in his remaining weeks of office .
9 Will my hon. Friend agree to tell the chairman of British Rail that he must do everything that he possibly can to improve the standard of service on that line for my constituents before 1995 ?
10 On Nov. 29 he declared : " We must do everything to put the right-wing rabble in its place and hit the culprits with the full force of the law . "
11 ’ We must do everything now .
12 We must do everything we can to restore her sight but there is no guarantee the operations will be successful . ’
13 The reason for this is that the snake must do its best to protect its precious fangs .
14 ‘ Party must do its duty ’
15 ‘ Still , he thought , I must do what I can to protect the lady , to whom I owe so much , and whom I have certainly , for better , for worse , released from sleep and silence .
16 Personally , I do not share that view but whatever the reason , stubbornness must not be allowed to succeed : the dog must do what he is commanded to do , not in his own time , when he feels like it , but immediately ; and if it is done correctly , he should receive praise and lots of it .
17 In situations of moral dilemma a man must do what he thinks he has to do and moral decisions are involved in his action .
18 Serious injuries and deaths occur , and all of us must do what we can to prevent them .
19 It would have been easy for me just to put off the difficult decisions we need to take , but I must do what is right for this country .
20 They must do what Sisyphus was commanded to do but , unlike Sisyphus , they must succeed .
21 Dean Acheson was actively involved as Under-Secretary of State in dealing with the subject and believed that the United States must do what was feasible to sustain south Korea .
22 I am not concerned in what the next man thinks and does , that is his business but I must do what my own conscience dictates .
23 ‘ You must do what you think fit , ’ he said , rising from the bed and brushing past her ; her gaze followed him , sweeping his nakedness .
24 I must do what your father wants . ’
25 ‘ Great queen , ’ I answered , ‘ I must do what my master wants , but if I were free , I would want to spend my whole life obeying your orders . ’
26 I must do what my heart tells me . ’
27 She must do what little she could to soften her refusal .
28 ‘ We must do what can be done , ’ said Radulfus heavily , ‘ to recover what has been lost .
29 You must do what you feel must be done .
30 However , we must do what we can to ensure that that does not have a consequent effect on unemployment in this country through a failure to understand that process .
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