Example sentences of "[vb mod] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Should any question arise , however , the Registrar has a discretion ( under Land Registration Rules 1925 , r290(1) ) to allow inspection of the filed transfer and it is understood that such discretion would be exercised if any difficulty could be resolved by production of the filed transfer .
2 Given that the cartridge may need to be removed for the purpose of transporting the printer , it means that , should any toner be spilled from the cartridge , it is likely to fall below the paper path , and so not contaminate the rest of the machine and subsequent print-outs .
3 He refused to take a holiday of even a single day during the German air attack on London in 1916–17 , wishing to be present should any emergency arise .
4 In no circumstances , the report stresses , should any part of goodwill be written off against reserves .
5 Should any part of the text , the version , or the entry tables prove to be unreadable , alternative tables are available to rebuild the data lost .
6 Should any man lose any time through sickness he is to throw back 2s. per day to the Company and receive account at harvest .
7 Should any man lose any time through drunkenness he is to forfeit 5s .
8 Should any branch have any complaint to make they must do so to their branch secretary who must submit the matter to the branch , it 's talking to yourself .
9 Should any payment be made to you or any member of your party by us in any of the circumstances referred to in this section , we reserve the right to claim in your place against the person or organisation responsible for causing the illness , injury or death .
10 Advice and guidance is provided in setting up the business and thereafter should any problems arise .
11 In the briefing sessions students will be told what sort of activities they can expect to do while on Work Experience , and whom to contact should any problems arise .
12 And from whose perspective should any assessment of gains and losses be taken ?
13 The tenant 's surveyor should be consulted to advise on the risks to be covered should any doubt exist .
14 Should cats be doing it at all , should any animal be made to do those sort of tricks ?
15 Should any adhesive appear in the joints , wipe away while still soft
16 For should any difficulty emerge at this stage , we will want to return to the party kept on hold without undue delay .
17 If it were so — if human nature were as Kao Tzu claimed — then why should any goodness come from evil circumstances ?
18 Cells grouping together in colonies meant that they could be replaced when they died , with the group as a whole surviving intact should any membrane wall of any individual member be accidentally punctured .
19 At least , I am sure he has enough to recommend him , should — should any female be inclined to consider him in that light . ’
20 And why should any criminal have co-operated in this process of falsification unless an inducement had been on offer ?
21 However , whilst it is impossible to guarantee that a business 's terms will be incorporated into all its contracts , if a business takes care to adopt proper contract formation procedures , it can maximise the chances of its terms being incorporated into its contracts , and therefore its chances of being able to rely on those terms should any dispute arise .
22 In other words , the executive has to propose to the House that reforms should be instituted and why should any executive wish to make rods for its own back ?
23 ‘ Why , then , should any limitation be placed upon the effect of this discharge of ‘ all claims ’ ?
24 Should any relative complain , the doctor may rely upon the directive as justifying his actions .
25 Finally it will contain the facilities to repair and rebuild itself should any combination of climate , beast , and machine conspire to break the structure down .
26 And why should any brother of Shrewsbury want to see our best patroness carted away to Ramsey ?
27 After all , unless we can show that we are able to do better with the totality of the sums , and the totality of the business , why should any shareholder believe that we know better how to deal with his money if we are to invest in areas outside our particular expertise , than he can by individual investments ?
28 Following the conclusion of the Heads of Agreement , we will be available to assist should any issues arise during the due diligence carried out by the acquiror 's accountants .
29 Thus , at no time in the future should any Scot be summoned to court or parliament outside Scotland — a direct reminder of Edward I 's particular offence .
30 Should any fellow be passing by , he must refuse their invitation or else they will dance him to a watery grave .
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