Example sentences of "[vb mod] seem have " in BNC.

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1 It might seem surprising , then , that Chancellor Kohl should seem to have accepted the French position , until one reflects for a moment on the implications .
2 It should seem to have moved to the side .
3 Obviously when considering this process of loss we have to remember that an individual seldom goes through these stages as neatly as might seem to have been suggested .
4 In view of the benevolent rule of the communes this might seem to have been retrograde step .
5 It is in the case of this institutionalised or codified sexism that feminists might seem to have most chance of changing the rules .
6 With reference to the fate of the Copernican system , we have encountered many complications , even in a test case that , because of Galileo 's trial , might seem to have been loaded from the start .
7 The Conservatives might seem to have a legitimate claim as the largest single party ; but they had failed to obtain a mandate for Protection .
8 While dependence on American assistance in 1964 – 65 might seem to have left the British government dangerously exposed to American influence ( or even dictation ) , in practice it is just as reasonable to argue that the Wilson government was able to turn American self-interest to its own advantage .
9 Much of our thinking would seem to have a more-or-less pictorial character , after all .
10 To this end all records of the past were zealously preserved and older , more primitive legal traditions extensively reworked and edited in the light of developing concepts and attitudes — most of which would seem to have been the direct result of the community 's change in circumstances and new needs for order and social cohesion .
11 The plans would seem to have the merit both of broadening the spectrum of judges and giving the consumer greater choice .
12 That master would seem to have been Taglioni , now filtered to us through the Bournonville version .
13 In the light of what has been said above about the nature of the relationships between managerial and professional processes in schools , the competency/threshold model currently being developed would seem to have little to offer in terms of meeting the need for a move towards holistic management processes .
14 The widow , a Quaker , would seem to have been a devotee of herbal medicine and various other quack cures .
15 There would seem to have been little doubt , however , in Mr Justice Lindley 's mind .
16 There are certainly cases where this would seem to have been the only possible method of transmission , but the extent of the risk is hard to quantify .
17 In each of 1986 and 1987 , a little less than a couple of dozen suspects would seem to have been detained long into the fourth day in the London area ( Metropolitan Police Commissioner , 1987 , 1988 ) .
18 It would seem to have taken its name from the county boundary between Cumbria and Lancashire , which coincides with Ease Gill Beck .
19 Gedge 's resentment of priggishness would seem to have its configuration in the outlandishly dressed Duane .
20 Some sort of private grudge would seem to have been responsible ; Do you know of anyone who could have wished him harm ?
21 Although all this may be a reasonable prescription for Blue Skies research in science , it would seem to have little meaning for engineering .
22 A further pandering to the star would seem to have come in the change of title to Alfredo Alfredo , repeating the name of Dustin 's character , but in fact it was Germi who was not happy with the original title , which sounded as if the film were a sequel to his big international hit of 1961 , Divorce Italian Style .
23 If , on the other hand , an arthritic patient reported that the joint problems had cleared up but that she was becoming increasingly anxious and irritable , then the physician would be worried and would be certain that the wrong treatment had been given , even though , superficially , it would seem to have been effective .
24 The bomber attacked would seem to have been an aircraft ( 4D+CT ) of 9/KG 30 which crashed on return , Lt. Albrecht Irion and all his crew being reported lost .
25 Whittingham fired at four different aircraft during this sortie , being credited with one destroyed , one probable and one damaged ; these would seem to have been an He111 and two Ju88s respectively .
26 People like Ms Pamala Klein would seem to have a lot to answer for .
27 Confucians ever since Mencius ( fl. 320 BC ) were very much concerned with the problem that if , as seems evident , there is evil in the nature which man receives from Heaven , to do evil in accordance with one 's nature would seem to have the authority of Heaven .
28 Monitor theory and reinforcement theory would seem to have a good deal in common .
29 As there is little doubt that digital is destined to eventually take over from analogue systems , HDMAC would seem to have little to recommend it to anyone but the European TV companies who are already financially committed to it .
30 He would seem to have touched a power chord — what was predicted as a two-week movie is still drawing in American crowds for , reportedly , fourth visits .
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