Example sentences of "[vb mod] become [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is suggested there are some instances , albeit rare , where the purchaser should become cautious if , in reality , the purchase price appears too low particularly if the purchaser is concerned about the vendor 's state of solvency .
2 Recklessly deciding that the appointment should become effective on All Fools ' Day , April 1 , IBM Corp on Friday duly named Louis Gerstner to the posts of both chairman and chief executive .
3 It followed shortly after the ‘ Westland Affair ’ — a dispute about whether Westland , a manufacturer of helicopters , should become involved with European or American collaboration which resulted in the resignations of two cabinet ministers ( Leon Brittan and Michael Heseltine ) .
4 Above all else designers should become involved with the millions of people who are now experiencing these problems and to demonstrate that the community at large increasingly understands that science and technology are not given .
5 Nobody can seriously propose that all promises should become enforceable ; to abolish the doctrine of consideration , therefore , is simply to require the Courts to begin all over again the task of deciding what promises are to be enforceable .
6 The Deposit Protection Board , which administers the fund , has reserved the right to pursue such matters if this should become necessary .
7 However this position will change if it should become necessary to issue court proceedings .
8 You will be advised further on this point if it should become necessary .
9 He went further to deal with the question as to whether or not the liquidators had public interest immunity in case the issue should become relevant later .
10 Philip Redfern suggested it should become standard practice for statisticians to put their professional advice on the record .
11 This should become standard practise .
12 Its natural shape and movement should become apparent even though wet .
13 What should become apparent is that , while companies do make substantial financial contributions , a more important contribution they can make is expertise and management skills . ’
14 The benefits of using a computer should become apparent for complex protocols .
15 Highly selective vagotomy was introduced about 20 years ago and hence any cancer risk should become apparent in the next few years .
16 If you order goods as a private individual from mail order advertisements in this magazine and pay by post in advance of delivery , What Personal Computer will consider you for compensation if the advertiser should become subject to bankruptcy or go into liquidation .
17 If you order goods as a private individual from mail order advertisements in this magazine and pay by post in advance of delivery , What Personal Computer will consider you for compensation if the advertiser should become subject to bankruptcy proceedings or go into liquidation .
18 There were too many ventures for the existing management resources and expertise within the company ; existing projects should become profitable before yet more were added .
19 The food service and bar should not be contracted out , the staff should be considered and only those who are indeed surplus to the requirements and standards of the business should become redundant .
20 Why such a church should become redundant is easily understood .
21 It should become possible to pay for exactly the amount of bandwidth that you need — ‘ bandwith on demand ’ is the buzz-phrase here .
22 If the vehicle should become stationary , the timer is allowed to run and , after one minute , it switches on the flasher circuit to operate the l.e.d .
23 The leaders of the Labour Party only just managed to hold the party to a ( common-sense ) multilateralist line on disarmament against increasingly emotional demands that unilateralism , already espoused by the Liberal Party , should become Labour Party policy as well .
24 While not representing a complete list of provisions these sections map out the range of professional social work services which should become available at the local level to deal comprehensively with difficulties that might arise in the life of a young person .
25 One of my main concerns is nursery-school education , and I wonder if we 've progressed at all from Margaret Thatcher 's quote in 1972 : ‘ Within the next 10 years nursery education should become available without charge … ‘
26 Many people believe that organisations should become non-hierarchical and be based on group and consensus decision-making .
27 It is perhaps natural and inevitable that scientists adopting one or other of these approaches should become convinced that their own approach is the best .
28 By combining literary discrimination and linguistic discrimination in this way , we should become alert to those particular features of style which call for more careful investigation .
29 Whether we should discard the traditional framework , and whether review should become akin to appeal , will be considered below .
30 Hotel receptionists dealing with foreign visitors should become conversant with the currencies of other countries and should be able to convert currencies easily and rapidly .
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